gallery tag reference
Because my gallery is sorted almost exclusively in reverse-chronological order, I use tags to actually categorize things. Lots and lots of tags \o/
If the descriptions seem unnecessarily detailed, it’s because I confuse myself on what goes where a lot. This is a guide for me as much as anyone else :P
by subject
Some people and other critters that show up a lot, original and otherwise.
recurring characters
- main casts
- #lineup: Character height things, which may or may not combine stories.
- #disasterCrew: The “disaster duo,” two of my oldest human characters, plus other people who spawned when I revisisted their story. Not exactly A Project™ but everyone’s connected anyway; more info on my site.
- #TheFirebirdEffect: Catch-all for a nuzlocke-inspired pokémon comic, active 2016–17. Discontinued; see its site page for the full comic & more info.
- #404: An experimental web-based narrative, launched 2020. No solid plans to do more with it as of 2022.
- #unmooredRandos: Catch-all for You’re gonna be the death of me (which didn’t have a name for a few months there, no). Major site art is tagged with the acronym.
- other characters (see also: knockoff site)
- #RPstuff: RP characters in general; mostly one-offs
- #SladeAuctor: RP character from 2011; gets his own tag since he was(/is still, sometimes) something of a mascot
- #zero: former adoptable/closed species from 2012, still gets drawn a fair bit
- #thosetwoguys: characters originally from TFE
- #sawface: weird toothy monster (and a vaguely-associated human), first drawn c. 2016
- #cringetober: fleeting 2020 challenge
- #hellrabbit: creature that spawned as part of Ygbtdm, but appears on its own sometimes
everything else
- general subjects that come up a lot
- #bodyHorror: degree of distortion may vary
- #canidae: furry frembs
- #creatures: miscellaneous monsters, Flight Rising dragons (see below) not included
- subjects of things by other people
- #forXYZ: gifts, commissions, trades
- #FlightRising: dragon hell, intermittent since 2015
- #omori: took over my life c. 2023–24
- #ena: 2021 hyperfixation
- #StevenUniverse: space rock obsession c. 2015–16
- #pokemon: haven’t kept up-to-date in years but it was a good time while it lasted
- #LivestreamEra: ah, 2011–13 “crack”
- #miscFanart: anything not covered elsewhere
giant canvas collages
Compilations of some sort. Some things got uploaded achronologically, which makes the tag order weird; see the sub-gallery for everything arranged proper.
- #notedump: visual guide-type things
- #sketchdump: buncha doodles on the same canvas, either drawn as such or a non-roundup compilation
- #roundup: monthly doodle dumps of things I didn’t think warranted standalone posting, including process sketches
- #summary: (mostly-)yearly art summaries that put things together all nice and tidy
Art in sketchdumps/roundups/summaries may or may not be tagged for individually (i.e. Zero appears in one little doodle in a roundup; whether the roundup is tagged #zero depends entirely on my memory at the time), I am not consistent with it. Maybe someday ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Tags henceforth are ordered alphabetically.
by type/medium
Assume static 2D digital drawings unless otherwise noted.
- #3d: Blender is a wonderful program
- #animation: either gifs or description-linked videos
- #comic: entirety of TFE not included
- #edit: more photoshopped (without Photoshop™) than drawn
- #MSPaint: exactly what it says on the tag
- #screenshot: attempts to imitate or actual usage thereof
- #template: memes (in the old-dA sense of the term) & old lineart/base usage
- #video: animations & timelapses
- #website: featured on and/or drawn primarily for my website somewhere
- #writing: old and crusty
by style
Because I don’t have a default—although currently, sketchy things and anything with normal lineart goes untagged.
- #BW: intentionally two-tone, usually black-and-white
- #lineless: flat/not painted
- #neon: eyeburners!
- #painterly: blending galore
- #pixelArt: tiny dots
- #scribbly: love me some loose lines
miscellaneous categorization
Things I’m not sure where/how else to categorize.
- #forxyz: has already been listed above but why not
- #icon: art that I used as my dA icon at some point, although I forgot what the very first one was….
- #redraw: revisiting my own stuff; both old and new versions get this tag
- #tumblrLink: because a lot of these links are broken and at some point I need to figure out what to do with them
- #website: also listed before, idek; sometimes these deviations are essentially a webpage ad
There’s also the #untagged tag, for stuff that I don’t know how to tag yet.
A’ight enough of that. Head back to the gallery~