Rudy: UGH, really?!
code: {if helper}
Rudy: I swear that was a fluke, $joker. It’ll go better next time.
code: {/if}
code: {if not helper}
Rudy: That’s such BS. I should’ve lasted at least another round.
code: {/if}
Val: Win some, lose some, kiddo~
Rudy: And will you stop calling me “kiddo”? For fuck’s sake, I’m almost in high school!
Val: You look awful young to me!
Kade: GUYS.
Rudy: You know what, I wanted to stay home today!

Cyrus looks concerned. Kade looks miffed.
Kade: Blocks all night again?
Rudy: It’s more fun than you losers.
Cyrus: All right, I think it’s time to take a br—
Val: What, isn’t all this conflict the most amusing thing ever?
narrator: (It’s Val’s move, but she doesn’t seem interested in the game at all.)
Val: Do you have a life outside here?
Kade: (Oh my fucking god...)
Rudy: What’s THAT supposed to mean?
Val: I’m just wondering who your friends are!
Rudy: None of your BUSINESS.

The sprite placement has Val’s hand covering Kade’s face.
narrator: I don’t think Val is listening…
Val: Names? How you met? Anything?
Kade: Oh, the game uses screennames. I don’t think anyone actually—
Rudy: Does it fucking matter?! Why’s it so important everyone and their mother knows my entire friend group?
Cyrus: Having a support system is vital to anyone’s well-being.
Val: What’s your mom’s name?

narrator: (She’s all eyes for Rudy... His face is bright red and he looks ready to scream.)
Kade: OKAY, lesson learned, friends and getting along are important!
Cyrus: And so is not telling anyone, even your closest companions, the answer to common password security questions.
narrator: (I can’t tell if Cyrus is trying to defuse the situation or if they’re actually that oblivious.)
Rudy: Fine, you want names? My friends are Cyrus, $joker… K-Kade…
Kade: Rudy, you don’t have to—
Val: Aw, what, no love for me?

A cutscene graphic, sketchy and lined, shows Rudy head-on, furious.
narrator: Suddenly, Rudy stands up and slams the table.

narrator: (Rudy sits down with a huff. Val is silent.)
narrator: (Cyrus reaches out, but Rudy swats their hand away and slinks off the chair.)
Rudy: I’m gonna grab a snack. Kade, yell for me when you’re done.
Cyrus: Er, wait, you still—
narrator: (The door slams shut behind Rudy.)
Cyrus: —had a move.

The sprites show the aftermath. Val glances aside; Kade is facepalming; Cyrus is uncertain.
narrator: I don’t think anyone feels like playing anymore.
narrator: (After what feels like an eternity, Kade stands up too.)
Kade: Be right back. Val, can we talk for a sec?
narrator: (Without waiting for a response, s/he grabs Val by the arm and pulls her away. Val, unphased, flashes me a grin on the way out, like she wants me to know she expected this.)

Cyrus: Well, that was unexpected.