Back to debug. Kade opens the door. “Rudy?”
Zooming out, the siblings’ room is the most defined area yet. Hasn’t changed a bit, except that Rudy hung his hat on the desk chair, and the table itself is cluttered.
As Kade walks in, Rudy’s on the beanbag playing video games, equipped with headphones.
In a layout parallel to sibling comix: Kade notices Rudy is engrossed. She sits on the adjacent beanbag and reaches out, waving by his face; earth to Rudy?
Then she gets an idea.
Kade: “What’s up, bro.” Rudy screams.
Kade does a smug anime chuckle to herself. “You weren’t kidding about that ‘immersiveness.’”
Rudy lifts a headphone; he’s annoyed but smiling, because his sibling is back.
Rudy: Geez, in my defense I was… huh?
Rudy looks disoriented. Kade, however, doesn’t notice; she’s amused, and kicks back in her own beanbag.
Kade: So, uh… what’s this about ~the reward~?
Kade, continued: If you need me to find it for you, I’m not gonna give it awa—[Rudy throws another pair of headphones at Kade’s face.]
Rudy: Screw it!
Rudy: No time for talk! We’re surrounded!
Surrounded by what? Kade doesn’t see anything unusual. But Rudy’s already leaning in again, entranced.
All right, fine. Kade puts the headphones on and plugs in.