A screenshot of an entire computer screen, art program open and gratuitously littered with notes. (Click for description.)
Central drawing is a quick sketch of a figure sitting on a couch, not facing the viewer, and reading a book. Noted details:
- first thought was transparent figure on photo/realistic BG (I am but words in a void), entire sketch works too
- no interest in sitting normally[; legs are crossed on the back of the couch]
- [reading] McCloud’s Understanding Comics (ch2)
- thinking about making The Most Meta Self-Portrait Ever™
- [on couch nearby:] iPad, computer cord, [both trailing to] plug (offscreen)
- [trays next to couch indicate] temporary setup in family room
- [noted items on tray:] laptop, earbuds, water bottle
Overall screenshot features the following notes:
- open art program is FireAlpaca (64bit)
- [current file & side layer folders indicate] original daily sketchdump—additional layer of meta
- [palette docker features] 90% 404 colors, not used much but haven’t bothered clearing (or using a new palette…)
- [brush docker =] brush hoard; [only a small handful of those visible are] the ones that are actually frequently used
- [includes a duplicate of a “default-size” brush;] temp, forgot to delete
- [pointing back at the sketch, behind the computer:] oh tablet is back here, forgot to draw second tray
- was tempted to take a screenshot of all this but then it’d never end… time capsule portrait fractal.
- [UI at the bottom of the screen indicates] Windows 10
- [screenshot taken at 5:37PM 1/13/2022; this is] but a tme capsule
who’s this nerd
- a questionably-organized assortment of run-ons in a trenchcoat (on the internet)
- presumably an actual human being (in real life)
- digital artist, HTML/CSS coder, and story-wrangler
- bullet-point-overuser
- meta-appreciator
- archival-enjoyer
- trying to be less of a perfectionist
nifty stuff
Tools of the trade include (but are not limited to)*
- art: FireAlpaca for desktop, MediBang Paint for iPad
- occasionally Krita, various Adobe programs (while subscription lasts), and good ol’ MSPaint
- code: Notepad++
Other tools & resources I use with decent frequency
- lipsum.com (Lorem Ipsum generator)
- Matthew Butterick’s Practical Typography
- Jekyll (sitebuilder) documentation
- LibreOffice
*Links open in new tabs, here and below.
obligatory contact section
Email is a-flyleaf@protonmail.com (spambots do not interact). If you have a deviantArt account, you can also reach me over there. Questions, comments, other inquiries; all welcome either way~