The Monster of Vaniville
Halloween 2016

Channel 6

VICTIM: M-monster... I saw a monster....

REPORTER: We know, but can you tell us anything about the monster? What did it look like? Was it a pokemon?

VICTIM: That... that thing wasn't human. I-I couldn't see it, I was just taking a walk and then... out of nowhere....


At this point the victim became hysterical. We were unable to solicit further details. Security footage was inconclusive, and there were no witnesses.


NAJM: Shauna Najm, intern at the Lumiose Bureau of Investigation by day and sad loser by night. Sometimes both. What's up?

UNKNOWN: Hey, uh, y-you've heard about the news, right?

NAJM: 'Course I have! Sure is informational. If someone doesn't have the news in their lives, I'm so sorry for them.

UNKNOWN: Shauna! This is serious, I-I think the monster's coming back tonight. [pause] Oh, god. Please tell me you're still there.

NAJM: You're still there. Seriously, I was just getting my notepad. Also, shouldn't you be in the hospital?

UNKNOWN: I'm fine. Sort of. I just woke up in the a-

NAJM: Whoa, they let you out? Alec, too? Has it even been a month?

UNKNOWN: That's over now, okay? J-Just now, someone was trying to trap me in my own house and the back door is open and I think I know who it is and can you please get down here?

NAJM: Was just heading over. Are you in danger right now?

UNKNOWN: No, I don't think so-

NAJM: Have you called 911? I mean, not that I don't appreciate being your first call after an apparently life-threatening situation, but I'm not a professional.

UNKNOWN: I... I don't trust them.

NAJM: What.

UNKNOWN: Look, I'll tell you more when you get here. Can you meet me at the top of the street?

NAJM: Gimme like-
[muffled] Hey, if I toss you an extra buck, will you break the speed limit? I swear I'm affiliated with - no, I'm not that young, thanks. Long story. Fine.
[clear] It'll probably be twenty minutes at best. Think you can avoid getting yourself maimed or killed for that long?

UNKNOWN: Ha ha. Just... hurry up.


Conversational Notes from an Old Journal

- i have a recorder why arent i using it near dead, save for ER

- serena doesn't care about pausing for notes rushes me anyway thank you i'll take my time just for you :)

- (was it necessary to walk this is gonna be so waterlogged)

- monster silhouettes & noises @ calem's

- authorities treated alec bad, probably same for calem

- waxing poetic (by her standards) about poor suffering monster O.K.

- "can you imagine what it must feel like to lose control like that?"

- but im supposed to talk him down??

- are you serious

- sure lets hold hands with a raging monster and sing @ the moon


- because friendship worked out SO well for you amirite

- gee we're at the door and NOW "wait maybe this wasn't a good idea, i don't want you to get hurt"

- i said i wouldve gone in regardless, i have a taser

- she has no clue i dont buy a word of this

- i almost feel bad

- (almost)

[While the following pages contain writing, it's illegible. It appears the writer was unable to hold the pen steadily.]


NAJM: Trick or treat! Whoops, surprise, there's no treat! Ahahaha, oh man, you are not gonna BELIEVE what I am looking at right now. So you know how I've been telling you about my good ol' blockhead pal Calem? The guy who'd rather make a scary costume from scratch to scare the shit outta passing kids than actually buy candy? Yeah, that guy! There's a dead dog in his house! Wow, amazing! A big lycanroc with a snapped neck lying on the ground right near the back door! What a sight for sore eyes!

Man, I don't even know if there's anyone listening right now, I'm just calling to save myself the trouble later on but it's probably not gonna matter. LONG STORY SHORT the front door was already open, it looks like a hurricane did a backflip straight down the hallway, and BAM! [forced laughter] It just slammed this monster against the door without breaking glass and now it's on its back, on the floor, and did I mention I'm gonna need a good drink after this? Because I am. Ideally something that doesn't look anything like this big puddle of blood.

I - why, yes, I'm talking to myself, because I'm composed like that. Wait a sec.

[approximately one minute of unintelligible static]

So, if you heard any muffled upset noises in the background, that was probably my, ahem, escort having a meltdown. We're having fun. Fortunately she went off to - hm. Actually, letting her out of my sight might've been a bad idea, but I'll deal with that later. Right now I'm thinking I should'a got my camera fixed a long time ago, but forgive me for not realizing I'd be dealing with a corpse. I thought this was gonna be a nice friendly interview with an innocent guy, but nah, he just had to go all red riding hood's grandma on me.

...Okay, hold up. There's no blood coming from this thing other than the neck. Like, there are stains, especially on the arms, but the cuts aren't fleshy. At all. I don't wanna get my fingerprints on it, I'm already paranoid being within a ten mile radius, but the slices on the arm and chest look like fabri-

Oh my god.

[whispering] Calem, you fucking furry.

Well, would ya look at that, there's a trail of pawpr


A Raw Recording

NAJM: Repeat that. And enough stammering, if you could cut the phone line you can keep your goddamn voice steady.

???: I-I'm telling you, he's not at my house. He left yesterday, he didn't want to go feral-

NAJM: And you have no idea where he is.

???: I'm sorry! I trust him to - I know he wouldn't do that on purpose.

NAJM: So you'd rather he go beat up some sucker in the woods, then come back for dessert?

???: I couldn't stop him!

NAJM: Did you even try?

[no response]

NAJM: [muttering] Unbelievable.

???: You can't blame him. He had no idea what he was doing either time, I know he didn't!

NAJM: Hold on. "Either time"?

???: I - no! No, wait, listen, please-

NAJM: How many times did he attack you?

???: Once. I promise it was only one, and he didn't kill me so it wasn't a big deal.

NAJM: Right, no big deal, definitely not like there's a rabid pokemon on the loose now.

[muffled sounds, mostly indecipherable; door slamming]

NAJM: Well, if you're being honest, you won't mind if I look around the house. Which I'm gonna do whether you mind or - where do you think you're going?

???: I have a headache.

NAJM: Have fun in I Have A Headache land! Send me a postcard! [muttering] Great. Eh, I guess I'll know if she jumps out the window from up there. Though for all I know I just walked into a minefield. A conspicuously clean minefield. Wait, what is this... "I'm sorry"?

[indecipherable static]

NAJM: Ah, fuck it. I'm calling the poli

[loud bang]


September 2

"I just got off the phone with emergency services and have no intention of lying about what I've done. If you've returned, I'm sure you know exactly what happened after you left. I don't blame you for fleeing. With this note I ask not for your forgiveness but understanding; I doubt whatever the authorities make public will be the full story. (And should this note be picked up by anyone aside from Kojo, I'd appreciate it if you spread my words.)

Nothing prompted the attack. All I know is that the clouds cleared, I woke up, and while I was fully sentient, everything felt fake. I wasn’t thinking. I didn’t care to think. I went with it. Even in the middle of the chaos, I was not possessed, nor was it voluntary. I would describe it as living a dream, where the world is upside-down and you don’t question a thing until you wake up. I did not lose control.

I didn't wake up when I saw you arrive, try to throw me off, then run in terror when I turned on you. I didn't wake up during any of the yelling, any of the fighting. It took her neck in my jaw for me to step back, and only then did the horror set in.

Emergency services should arrive soon. Whatever they ask, I will comply. I don't expect to return home within the month, if ever.

One more thing. If they blame you for being untested, for needing shelter at an inconvenient time, for attacking me when no one was looking: I know you have not laid a claw on me since we met, and I will not be convinced otherwise. Please defend yourself. "Wild instincts" are nonsense and I stress that I did not "lose control" during the attack.

Take care.


Flawed Interrogation

NAJM: This stupid thing better work.... Alec, tell me exactly why you're here.


NAJM: Or I hold you here until the cops show up.

ALEC: I haven't touched a soul tonight! I specifically left so I wouldn't cause any harm, and if I hadn't overheard rumors about an attack in my own neighborhood, I wouldn't be back yet. I was going to warn Serena about a death next door, that's all.

NAJM: Right.

ALEC: Believe me, I don't want blood on my paws again. And... at the risk of a spark to the throat, you realize I could've overpowered you while you were messing with that device. If there's a killer in town, I want them gone as much as anyone.

[strangled vocalization, unknown source]