Red: Hello, world? [b1,e1,m2]
Blue: 'Sup. [b2,e2,m1]
Red: one more test... [b2,e2,m1]
Blue: k [b1,e1,m2]
Red: fellas i have misplaced my eyebrows [e2,m1]

OK THIS IS COOL BUT: *shitton* of images, will add up fast. let's tryyyyy a spritesheet
Green: are these colors related to anything btw [b1,e2,m2]
Orange: nah [b2,e1,m1]
Green: you surrre [b2,e1,m1]
Orange: yea [b1,e2,m2]
jesus ok that was more of a Process---the load is way better tho SO IN CONCLUSION use a spreadsheet and gratuitous concatenation to automate the css class fuckery