a-flyleaf’s toyshelf
2022/05/29 Avas

Assorted drawings of Ava, both versions. Two versions of the overall canvas: one with overlay and other effects resembling a dusty old film, and the other without.

2022/05/29 Avas

May 29, 2022

Originally posted on deviantArt.

I feel like Ava here could use a redesign, in part because some of her traits (both visual and otherwise) have since been reverse-Frankensteined into some of my other characters. Her adult version’s outfit never partiiiicularly fit; she’d probably have quite a bit more jewelry and other shiny trinkets if I could be bothered to draw/remember them consistently. On the other hand, it’s not like any of this gang has a dedicated canon or anything anyway (besides all being ???interconnected, to some degree, I guess), so… heck it? :D