a-flyleaf’s toyshelf
May 2022 roundup scribs

Mostly-unrelated scribbles scattered around a canvas; noted, “and last but certainly not least [in the roundup], old character takeover zone (AKA mainly her [Ava] but the core duo’s here too)”

what even is canon anymore with these people

Single-page comic of Ivy and Ava (both adults) sitting across from each other at some kind of dining establishment. “So,” Ava says, “let me get this straight…”

  • Ava, continued: “You’ve devoted the last…” (She counts on her fingers.) “…three years—”
    Four years and counting to this guy…”
  • Ivy doesn’t look impressed. Ava, continuing: “…who, by your own admission, is ‘a lazy, demotivated slob’ who’s ‘unlikely to change.’
  • Ava, meanwhile, is doing very amused chinhands. “Why,” she says, “pray tell, would you do that.”
  • Beat. Ivy stares dryly as ever.
  • Then takes a sip. “I liked you better as a girl scout.”
    “Hey,” Ava says, “you came to me, lady.”

untitled follow-up

Nico’s at the table now.

  • Ava: “Your girlfriend’s a real piece of work, huh?”
  • Nico slams the table. “Yes. But she does it for love.”
  • Beat. They stare at each other for a moment.
  • Nico reclines and makes finger guns. “Psyche.
    Ava, raising her hands: “You almost had me there…!”

Ava diagram

Circle of 2012!Ava → “uh-oh!” → two paths, both 2017: in one, “is adult”, and in the other, “is ghost.” Captioned “Schrödinger’s Ava (n.): a character who is simultaneously alive and dead, until (unless) Canon™ kicks in”

more untitled Avas

  • Messy, bright newspaper-comic-style 2017!Ava at a booth titled “unqualified non-psychiatric ‘help’”—“free!”. (A homage to Lucy of Peanuts fame.)
  • And a scribble of 2017!Ava in a different getup. Side note: “This part [waist up] is OK, not sure on this [the rest]. more of a skirt/dress person iirc….”

May 2022 roundup scribs

May 27, 2022

Snippets from a monthly art roundup, from assorted dates in late May.