Mostly-unrelated scribbles scattered around a canvas; noted, “and last but certainly not least [in the roundup], old character takeover zone (AKA mainly her [Ava] but the core duo’s here too)”
Single-page comic of Ivy and Ava (both adults) sitting across from each other at some kind of dining establishment. “So,” Ava says, “let me get this straight…”
Nico’s at the table now.
Circle of 2012!Ava → “uh-oh!” → two paths, both 2017: in one, “is adult”, and in the other, “is ghost.” Captioned “Schrödinger’s Ava (n.): a character who is simultaneously alive and dead, until (unless) Canon™ kicks in”
May 27, 2022
Snippets from a monthly art roundup, from assorted dates in late May.