a-flyleaf’s toyshelf

Four headshots of Nico and Ivy, two of each in very different art styles.

  • Two are extremely simple, just black lines on white; based on the illustrations in Diary of a Wimpy Kid. Ivy’s portrait reads “If I see this irl, Nico is dead, but look @ my stupid perf. eyebrows”
  • The other two are anime-esque sketches with abstracted, textured colors. Ivy’s features blue, cyan, traces of yellow, and a vibrant red “shadow”; Nico’s engulfs him in murky reddish-green, with neon green highlights and a streak of red through the face.


April 11, 2018

In which Nico and Ivy draw themselves, and also each other. Originally posted as part of an artdump, and (4 years later!) reposted in a monthly roundup to accompany a new doodle.