a-flyleaf’s toyshelf

Lineless shots of Ivy and Nico in dramatic poses, each framed by (and ignoring the boundaries of) their associated shapes and colors (Ivy in a cyan oval, Nico in a light red polygon). Ivy, furious, grabs Nico’s arm; Nico is making a finger gun hand, rolling his eyes and sticking his tongue out in annoyance.


November 11, 2020

Originally posted on deviantArt.

Zero Days Since Last Dysfunctional Duo Standalone Drawing

Finally finished the “dragonsonas” for these two and, in keeping with a tradition of having lineless little* profiles of their human counterparts in the bios, I decided to try something with two in one. Then this happened!

*If you squint the shapes are pixelated along the edges, because I ended up doing this at twice the normal size and want to make sure it’ll scale back down correctly. But hey, if I hadn’t gone overboard, this wouldn’t have got a dA upload.

Oh and bonus factoid while I’m here: Did you know one story idea I entertained a while back with these two/the rest of the related cast was getting stuck on a cruise ship courtesy zombie apocalypse? Boy, that would’ve aged like milk.

Time taken: ~3h30m

Aforementioned “dragonsonas” are on Flight Rising: at the time of writing, 2017!Nico’s bio features a cropped version of this art, while 2017!Ivy has a separate drawing entirely (because hers didn’t work as well as a standalone).

As an additional artist’s note, they’re both cartoonishly exaggerated here, Ivy moreso. Strong posing for visual clarity does not get along with the way normal human beings tend to interact.