“character design + art style are my passions, musings & character by NightAuctor/a-flyleaf”
Three sketches of Dodder in different art styles, with full-color headshots and notes below:
- super stylized/angular
- bold lines (or lineless) w/ flat colors? little or no shading
- almost caricature-ish
- cartoony haha funney
- “default” style ig (semi-realism??)
- probably best with loose lines, cel shading or some blending
- defined features, mostly 3D but liberties taken for silhouette and/or expressiveness
- seriously idk how you’d model some of these hair/eye shapes glhf
- close as I’m gonna get to “realism” without dying
- no flats or lines we blend like real painters (except here lol)
- if you know how to make realism exprssive and not uncanny HMU
- paying more attention to facial planes 👍
- [side note]: why did I choose mr oval eyes for this
Also since sometimes you can't tell if it's the art style or an intentional feature, have some quick n lazy ~design notes~
- long face with prominent “bumps” (forehead, nose, chin)
- wavy long hair with visible hairline, stylized more blocky than round
- very wide eyes; they see all, know jack shit
- *I usually pay attention to eyebrow & ear shapes too but for now we ignore it, you get the gist
- unnaturally yellow (mustard…) hair + godawful tan
- hair would probably be toned down for realism. tan? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
style notes
January 20, 2021
Originally posted on deviantArt.
Self-explanatory, I think ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ First sketch trio (minus the lil circles) has been sitting in my folders for uhhhhh -checks- 2 years now (January 17, 2019…), and since I’ve been thinking about the style thing a lot lately, might as well finally post it.
Features a blonde jerk who I made and developed around 2018–19 and haven’t really Used since, but aside from the mustard hair and cartoonish features in the “realism” portrait, he gets the gosh dang job done.