A vertical composition of headshots, featuring:
- Ava in black, white, and yellow, grinning and making a “shh” hand
- Nico in sharp lines and stark cyan lighting
- Ivy in round lineless and a dark reddish palette
- A silhouette of Tara, mouth open in a frown. A white scribble appears to burst violently from her forehead.
headshots, style variance edition
October 1, 2020
Originally posted on deviantArt. Looks better on a not-white background.
Titles are hard, and other stories.*
Totally not an excuse to Do Something with a couple 3/4ths headshot scribbles and then it turned into this dramatic… whatever it is. Style flexing, or something.
Time taken: 4 hours ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ
*Edit: By “a while,” it looks like I haven’t actually uploaded anything featuring this cast since… uh, 2018. Still not Doing Anything with any of them but they’re good for spontaneous standalones like this \o/