
image description
Two-page comic scene in which the first and fifth characters interact amicably.
- The first, Joce, stands outside a crowd, wary; abruptly the fifth yells, pushing through, “Hey hey hey, put ’er here!!” He raises his fist.
- Joce stares blankly.
Red dude gestures instructively.
Joce: “Oh right, yeah, uh—” - As instructed, she offers a fistbump. Red guy swings back, enthusiastic; “Eyyyyyy”
- “Yo, you were boss at that challenge. You are welcome right back to me caysa” (“Casa,” interrupts the sixth, from a distance in the crowd) “any time.” Red dude’s arms are oustretched, welcoming, but the crowd is starting to fade into static.
- Red dude, continuing: “and if anyone try’a give you shit about last night, you just call yer ol’ pal Gary. Ya goddat?” For unclear reasons he appears to be enveloped by static.
- Joce taps her fingers quickly and the effect vanishes.
- “Uh, yeah. Sure.” Gary’s already walking away. “Thanks.. Gary.”
Another comic test, this time ft. an actual canonical scene. (Sort of. Changes have been made since.)