
image description

Two panels resembling shots of a film.

  • In the first, Joce looks down offscreen, mildly surprised; text pointing at her reads “monologues at a thousand miles a minute.”
  • In the second shot, Kay Lin has a blank smile. Indicates the text: “clueless”
June 15, 2021 ▪ on dAhighres

Needlessly overworked joke doodle, because I liked a couple frames from this dialogue test storyboard-thing:

video transcript

A rough animatic featuring Joce and Kay Lin; no audio. Dialogue appears in speech bubbles like a comic.

Establishing shot: They walk through a hilly landscape. Dissolve to Joce from the front. A speech bubble appears, a dragged-out “so”—Joce looks to the side, and Kay Lin (the speaker) steps out from behind her.

Joce looks down. Asks Kay Lin, “Where’re we going next?”

Joce rolls her eyes. Her reply is rapid, all words smushed into one: “First of all there is no ‘we’.” She emphasizes this with small hand movements. “Second, even if there was a ‘we’, we—”

She stops. The camera pans down to Kay Lin smiling blankly.

Quiet ellipses. Dot. Dot. Dot.

Joce sighs. More slowly: “You didn’t understand a word I said, did you.”

Replies Kay Lin: “Nnnnot in the slightest!” She offers a thumbs up. The scene fades; end video.

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