blackmail material

blackmail material
image description

A picture of the gang, nearly all of whom are dressed in costume, sitting or standing around a table. Little labels and speech bubbles trail around them.

  • The first is just wearing a cardboard box on her head, details scribbled on with marker. Label: “made it herself 6 hours ago”
  • The second has a cape and fangs. The first is talking with her: “I’m Radiohead.” “Isn’t that a TV?” “Close enough.” “Can you even see through that thing?” “No.”
  • The third, as labeled, “showed up without a costume (and is feeling kinda stupid about it now),” because everyone else has a costume. The seventh makes an offering: “wanna borrow a sheet?” Third, quietly: “Ew, no.”
  • The fourth, dressed as an angel, is spooked by the fifth, who’s grabbing for him playfully. Fourth is about to spill his drink on the second.
  • In the back, the sixth, in a lab coat and goggles, holds the photo-taking button, offering a dry “smile” for the camera. (No one else seems aware a photo is being taken.) She and Frankenstein the fifth are labeled “somehow got roped into matching costumes”
  • The seventh is a bedsheet ghost; it’s not the whitest bedsheet. Seven, as labeled, “was helping her [the eighth, a baseball batter] and ran out of time for their own getup”
October 27–29, 2021 ▪ on dAhighres

Halloween costumes. Again, the characterization is canon enough; the scenario is very much not.

Also has an alternate version, because “these designs are not made for flat colors” strikes again.

Also also, these two things.

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