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A series of loosely-connected two-panel comic strips, altogether titled “some silly stuff from 2AM last night”. All feature Kay Lin (KL) and her yellow eyes.

  • First strip: Second character (KL) follows the first (J), humming the song Turn around, bright eyes. J: “You’re the one with glowstick irises.” KL: “‘Glowstick’?”
  • Second strip: Third character (A): “All right, listen up, Goldie—” [KL interrupts:] “‘Goldie’?? Where did that come from?” A: “What would you prefer, “‘Starving Child’”?” KL: “My name is an opti— neither of those words are true
  • Third strip: Sixth character crouches in front of KL, who’s tied to something. TA: “All right, what’s up with the yellow irises?” KL: “Bold question from someone with bright green… blue… cyan… aqua…? char…treuse…?” TA: “Take your time.” KL: “What do you call th[em]” TA interrupts: “Wouldn’t you like to know.” (The hue of TA’s irises is inscrutable, like the rest of her.
  • Fourth strip: Seventh character (Sq) declares, “Jaundice. I maintain my first assessment.” KL, sitting by: “Y’know what, I’m too f’d up to even argue.” Sq: “Woof.”

In a bonus single panel, third person (Caleb) passes Kay Lin, who’s face-down at a table, fists clenched. “Whoa-a-a,” says Caleb, snickering, “not lookin’ too hot there, are ya, egg yolk?”

Caption: “In that moment Caleb signed his death warrant.”

December 28, 2021 ▪ on dAhighres

Side note: eye color is not a thing that is commented on canonically, but it would be funny if it was.

Vaguely-relatedly, a comment thread spawned a bonus.

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