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A colorful grid of expressive (mostly-)three-fourths views, titled “expressions.” and captioned “reactions to dialogue with no context”. Dialogue prompts go down a column; each person responds in a row.

  • Congratulations!
    • Joce glances aside, uncertain. “…F-for what.”
    • Kay Lin waves it off. “Pshh, nah, it was nothing—”
    • Addison looks all smug about it. “Heh, of course— I mean thank you!”
    • Caleb throws his arms up excitedly. “Y–Yeah!! I did it!!!”
    • Gary throws an arm around a (mostly-offscreen) teammate, pointing to them with a smile. “Wasn’t just me, man.”
    • The accountant stands, arms crossed behind her back as usual, grinning a bit. “Touching. Flattery will get you nowhere with me.”
    • Sequitur turns around; they “[have] no idea” what this is about. “Uhh. Thanks…?”
    • The eighth person (henceforth “8”) stares into space, unsure if this is a joke. No dialogue.
    • The ninth person (henceforth “9”) seems faintly interested. “…No shit? What for.”
  • Sorry for your loss.
    • Joce, turned away, is despondent.
    • Kay Lin is crying, but manages a shaky “Thank you…”
    • Addison looks down. “Y-yeah. Thanks.”
    • Caleb is curled up (the “camera” looking down on him, as if he’s sitting on the floor), bawling inconsolably.
    • Gary, reaching out, wipes an eye. “Thanks, dude. You got a tissue?”
    • The accountant, turned away, is frowning. “Mhm. …Change of topic:”
    • Sequitur’s head is bowed. “…’preciate it.”
    • 8 is turned away, stiff. No dialogue.
    • 9’s arms are crossed. “Aww, how cute. You think I cared.”
  • Hey! Fuck you!
    • Joce lifts her chin, clearly miffed but saying nothing.
    • Kay Lin yells back: “What is your problem?!
    • Addison is stunned/offended; wordless exclamation.
    • Caleb also yells, more forward: “W-well fuck you too!!!!”
    • Gary steps back, hands raised; “Whoa whoa whoa— calm down—”
    • The accountant is utterly unphased. “How original.”
    • Sequitur jerks back, pointing at themself a little. Um.
    • 8’s back is turned entirely; does not engage.
    • 9 glances off to the speaker, unamused. “F*ck me yourself, coward.” And when there’s implicitly no response: “… Yeah, what’s what I thought. [muttering] Asswipe.”
  • I love you.
    • Joce is just about speechless. “N. No you don’t.”
    • Kay Lin blushes, stunned. Then turns away, raising a hand by her face; “Come on, that’s not funny.”
    • Addison: “. . . Oh! Yeah, uh—cool?” She isn’t sure what to make of this. “Good for. Good for you…!”
    • Caleb is speechless, staring directly into the speaker’s eyes. He’s unsure if this is a prank or if he will now die for you.
    • Gary offers a 🤟 and smiles all happy. “Aww, thanks! You too, bro.”
    • The accountant brings a hand to her heart but her expression is utterly dry. “Thank you. I am so touched, and overflowing with inconvenient emotions.”
    • Sequitur is wholly baffled. “…h?” (Alternatively, they say “Awwww shucks. …for real??”, but I thought the version drawn was funnier.)
    • 8 looks down. “Ha ha ha ha. Oh man.” Then stares directly ahead. “I am so sorry.
    • 9 does a chinhand but looks irritated. “Oh, I bet you do.”
  • [getting jumpscared]
    • Joce is surprised, then runs; #Nope.
    • Kay Lin jerks back, startled.
    • Addison ducks on sight.
    • Caleb screams, hiding himself best he can while still standing.
    • Gary raises his hands, in a similar gesture to the anger response.
    • The accountant is visibly surprised, but like Kay Lin it’s not pronounced.
    • Sequitur covers their face a bit; they have an incredibly slow reaction time.
    • 8 raises a fist, as if ready to fight back.
    • 9 appears mildly surprised, but doesn’t stay that way for long. “Well, that might as well happen.” A rabbitlike shadow looms.
June 23, 2022 ▪ on dAhighres

Fun with faces.

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