rabbit go spin

rabbit go spin
image description

Looping gif turnaround of a 3D low-poly rabbit-person, one hand on hip and the other raised as if shielding the eyes from light. (That’s the intention, anyway….)

August 29–30, 2022 ▪ on dAhighres
video transcript

Silent video of the finished animation, then some behind-the-scenes nonsense.

The animation loops three times, then fades to black. After a pause, text abruptly appears: “bonus round: armature shenanigans”

The rest of the video records the entire Blender interface, with the model’s armature bones (parts that control movement) visible.

  • Model gets dragged forward, back, up, around in loops, back and forth…. The hands and feet are rigid; it’s like moving a ragdoll but with those parts glued in place.
  • A foot bone gets swung around. The foot itself never rotates but moves as far as the leg will let it; the leg itself twists around.
  • Rotating a bone in the torso makes the model appear to crinkle in upon itself like a crushed can.
  • Rotating a different bone in the torso swings the whole body from that point up forward and back, like an inflatable tube near a car dealership.
  • Rotating a hand bone doesn’t do much. Moving it mostly pulls the arm, but the upper body also gets dragged along, and appears to “fold” flat at extreme angles.
  • Attempts to move other bones. Futile. After some fumbling, clicking a toggle in the Blender UI makes the torso twist back; text appears temporarily: “why does inverse kinematics Do This”
  • The hand gets pulled around again. New text: “i recorded for a long time and don’t feel like editing more”
  • “enjoy a tour of raw bones.” Model part visiblity is switched off part by part, leaving only the triangular default Blender bones.
  • Zoom in to the head. It twists around back and forth a little. Text: “*headbangs*”, followed by just that.
  • Model parts are made visible again. Some negligible bone rotation fumbling. Text: “you would think I understand how bones work now”
  • A foot gets dragged to the side. Then we’re back to torso twisting. “no comprehension. only whrrr”; the Rs continue off the edge of the screen as the torso gets whirled around.

End video.

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