
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet. Try to keep this to like, one or two sentences tops?

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet. Try to keep this to like, one or two sentences tops?

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet. Try to keep this to like, one or two sentences tops?


“My hero.”


Decrepit billboard.

Best not to think about it.

The protagonist lives in one room of a shared house. Overgrown grass and neighboring complexes enclose the property.

A couple of housemates have taken it upon themselves to clean the room, as a birthday present to its sole inhabitant.

That bedside baseball bat, for self-defense, among other emergency measures? Gone.
The resident can’t quite manage a “thanks.”

As the housemates see themselves out, one hands over the mail.

A letter from “S.” is promptly shoved in a drawer full of others from the same sender.

But the second letter is more promising.

It offers purpose.

Lots of people signed up for this. Says the welcome: Last one standing gets to go home.

One person is asking others to share anything they know—about this place, how they got here. Introduce yourself to the masses, don’t be a stranger!

She says they should all work together—then calls out people who aren’t listening.
The first loner doesn’t care to engage.

The grandstander’s next target: a small girl, curled in the corner.
No response from her, either.

Meanwhile, someone found food.

[This scene already exists as a comic. It's been loosely redone here anyway, for completionism's sake; nothing has changed but framing and palette adjustments.]

Turns out the small girl is a med student.

Thus meets the mildly-befuddled Joce and the surprisingly-chipper Kay Lin.

Says someone in the crowd,
“No one has to die, right?”

With an earthquake and an ear-splitting noise, the underground begins to flood.

Mad, panicked scrambling; the central structure starts crumbling.
(Not legibly shown: yelling, including the exchange “Let’s go, Terry!” “…Who?”)

Joce and Kay Lin take the outer spiral; less congested, Kay Lin says it’s an escape too. No time to question that.

But even that gives way.
Joce grabs Kay Lin and books it.

As they ascend, Joce stays focused on Kay Lin up ahead. The rest almost fades.

Then someone falls.


That… was draining.

But also… kind of fun? I-in an exhilarating way. What say you, Kay Lin?
. . . Kay Li—?

Kay Lin is thankful and all, but doesn’t plan on sticking around. Joce is incredulous.

“You’ll never make it out there alone.”

Other people were gathering supplies; Joce and Kay Lin have none.
Whatever. Far as Joce cares, they don’t need anything anyway….


Joce and Kay Lin try to ask each other about motives. Neither make much leeway, stuck in a “I’ll tell you if you tell me” loop.

Kay Lin asks about finding shelter; Joce argues they don’t need it.
Sudden noise. It’s… a wail, of some sort. A scream? Someone crying?

Kay Lin is hesitant. So Joce tells her to stay put. Shouldn’t take long.

“H-hey. You okay…?”


It’s… melting.

Kay Lin is mildly surprised to see Joce, who isn’t having it. How did Kay Lin— What did— How is she even still alive?

But, Kay Lin points out, Joce still hasn’t told her anything. Joce relents: she’s here because she didn’t have anything better to do. End turn.

…Fine. Kay Lin admits she’s “familiar” with this place. She’s been here… long enough to lose track. And isn’t sure why.

“. . .
“Like an NPC, then.”

Kay Lin sputters for a second.
Joce: “I’m kidding.”

“M-mostly. Let’s go find shelter.”
Meanwhile, back at the Beacon...

A majority of survivors have stayed with the speaker from the underground, Addison. Apparently this makes her the alliance leader. She can work with that.

A small guy, Caleb, claims Addison saved his life by reaching out; he stays very, very close. Addison kinda just goes with it.

Someone asks where the group’s headed next. Addison hesitates just a second—

A shriek from the crowd.


Charades ensue.* The rabbit-person, who doesn’t talk, wants to join the group.
*Has been thumbnailed, seen in this roundup.

“Err…” Addison hesitates. “I dunno…”

“You… kinda just came out of nowhere…?”

Abruptly the rabbit-person grabs her bat. Caleb yells; rabbit-person swings back—

—gestures to duck, then smashes into the nearest rock.

From the point of impact the stone cracks like glass—

—and blasts straight out the other end.

“Sold. Welcome aboard.”

For lack of decent shelter, Joce and Kay Lin have taken to higher ground.

Kay Lin asks why Joce is still with her.

After all, Joce doesn’t know her. She could backstab Joce overnight. Or disappear.

Verbally Joce brushes it off. All the more reason to keep Kay Lin around, then—enemies close.

(But… even so.

Just look at her.

Joce can’t.

…Even if it kills her.)