An assortment of things that, unlike many of the shriblets, have taken some significant amount of time to develop.
adventures in narrative
Blanket content warning for swearing and character death and dysfunction and all that fun fictional jazz.

Experimental web-based story. Launched 2020; in limbo.
The Firebird Effect

Pokémon fancomic, planning for which dates back to 2013 (depending how we define “planning”). The actual comic was posted between 2016 and 2018, and petered off for lack of authorial interest; the rest of the plot was instead conveyed via two character infodumps.
other stories

Do I have stories and characters besides the two described above, and do facets of these other concepts make sporadic appearances throughout my creative endeavors? Sure. Has any of this been conveyed through a dedicated Thing™? Nope. And if it ever is, you’ll see it here ;V
miscellaneous repositories

Experimented with p5js for class in spring 2020. Name is based on the fact it was supposed to be the snake arcade game, originally titled “p5jsnake”, before it stopped being snake.
ArtFight 2021

Did an ArtFight, wanted to show off all the resulting work so non-members can actually see it. Made this page!
petsite hell: dragonotes & wolvwiki
dragonotes is an attempt to compile resources and personal info on the browser-based game Flight Rising. (For those unfamiliar, think neopets, but for dragons). The site’s resources aren’t being updated much as of late 2020, but persists as an archive anyway.
wolvwiki is another attempt at using the format of a wiki for ??storytelling. It’s even messier than dragonotes and subsequently has been moved off GitHub, but it sure is there.
the website you’re looking at
Started 2019 and still kickin’, baby. Here’s a link back to base.