Aubrey: Jebo ti sunce žarko!
Basil: Izostaviti Sunny iz ovoga....
Aubrey [approx.]: Fuck your glowing sun!
Basil [misaimed attempt at]: Leave Sunny out of this....
It started with a bad pun. “I fuck your [thing],” as opposed to “fuck you,” is a common insult in Croatian; it’s akin to saying “fuck the sun whose glow you bask in.” (Video features Serbian actors but the example serves nonetheless.) Yeah, I know, I know, using a foreign language for the express purpose of swearing; the “sun” pun was too good (awful?) to pass up.
Corrections were required.
Aubrey was given an “A+”; normally the verb jeb- (fuck) would be subject to grammatical gender (technically jebao,
because the speaker's gender =/= the verb’s) but this gets ignored a lot in practice because people aren’t thinking about grammatical correctness when cursing someone out. Wild.
Basil, on the other hand, got a “B”-grade. 1) Izostaviti = “omit,” ≠ “leave out;” 2) “into this” = “u ovo”; and 3) “Sunny” needs a “-ja” for grammar reasons I have yet to fully grasp. Thus, corrected sentence: Ne miješaj Sunnyja u ovo.
(Basil got a B anyway, though, because if izostaviti had been right, the resulting Izostavi Sunnyja iz ovoga
would’ve been much closer!)
Finally, turns out both apology words were relevant, but in different contexts. Oprosti = “forgive me,” which is used more casually than its English analogue.