Language is a ConceptJezik je Pojam

My friend Weeb has been teaching me Croatian. Thought it would be fun to make a character speak it. These spawned!

Moj prijatelj Weeb uči [me] hrvatski. Ja [was think] [i have no idea what to do for the rest here.]

…I’m still learning.
Credit for all corrections (and linguistic context, where relevant) goes straight to Weeb!


Aubrey, swearing, points accusitorily at Basil. Both mention some form of “sun,” which confuses Kel (who stands alongside a blank-faced Sunny). An artist’s note mentions, to translate, I “used google translate & ran it thru search results. probably off, oprostite(?)… isprike??”

Aubrey: Jebo ti sunce žarko!
Basil: Izostaviti Sunny iz ovoga....


Aubrey [approx.]: Fuck your glowing sun!
Basil [misaimed attempt at]: Leave Sunny out of this....

It started with a bad pun. “I fuck your [thing],” as opposed to “fuck you,” is a common insult in Croatian; it’s akin to saying “fuck the sun whose glow you bask in.” (Video features Serbian actors but the example serves nonetheless.) Yeah, I know, I know, using a foreign language for the express purpose of swearing; the “sun” pun was too good (awful?) to pass up.

Corrections were required.

A+ for Aubrey, who corrects B-grade Basil (details below). He apologizes; “Oprosti, oprosti…”

Aubrey was given an “A+”; normally the verb jeb- (fuck) would be subject to grammatical gender (technically jebao, because the speaker's gender =/= the verb’s) but this gets ignored a lot in practice because people aren’t thinking about grammatical correctness when cursing someone out. Wild.

Basil, on the other hand, got a “B”-grade. 1) Izostaviti = “omit,” ≠ “leave out;” 2) “into this” = “u ovo”; and 3) “Sunny” needs a “-ja” for grammar reasons I have yet to fully grasp. Thus, corrected sentence: Ne miješaj Sunnyja u ovo. (Basil got a B anyway, though, because if izostaviti had been right, the resulting Izostavi Sunnyja iz ovoga would’ve been much closer!)

Finally, turns out both apology words were relevant, but in different contexts. Oprosti = “forgive me,” which is used more casually than its English analogue.


“Moj najbolji prijatelj....” Basil and Sunny, kids, echoing their poses in the “Basil tagged you” picture: Basil rests his head on Sunny’s, his arms wrapped around Sunny’s neck. (Sunny looks vaguely uncomfortable.)

Moj najbolji prijatelj....


My best friend....

More practice, friend edition.


Basil sits hugging his knees in the void, surrounded by confusing words.

At one point, in discussing exceptions to basic rules, Weeb suggested (to paraphrase) “Pull a Sunny! Acknowledge existence of [weirdness], then damn the word to hell Black Space.” Thus, hrvatski!Basil’s special hell, consisting entirely of words that (as of writing, March 30) I have mostly no goddamn clue how to translate:

Li, Se, Nego, Slati, Lišće, Momčad, Hlače, Kurac, Naime, Htjeti, Zbog, Koji, Granje, Dvoje, Petorica, Vidjevši, Bih, Svoj, Radi, Moći, A, Si, Niočemu, Zar, Nemoj


Basil approaches a Black Space-esque door. What lies behind? More Croatian?! Oh, god, he remembered it wrong!!!!

Što je behind door?

Je more hrvatski??

Ti sjćecaš it wrong!!!!
[behind the door, three separate words:] Ni. O. Čemu.


What is behind [the] door?

Is [it] more Croatian??

You remembered it wrong!!!!
[behind the door, three separate words, the translation to which I still do not know:] Ni. O. Čemu.

It was late.

In which Basil runs away while Stranger-but-Aubrey demands he learn Croatian.

Stranger-Aubrey: Ti will učiti hrvatski! = You will learn Croatian!
Basil: No!!! / Stranger-Aubrey: Ne??? (=no) / Basil: N-ne!!!
Stranger-Aubrey: Što nije clicking??!!! = What isn’t clicking??!!!


Basil and Sunny bathed in dark blue; Basil is surrounded by his Something, which also happens to be all the confusing words from earlier. He mutters “Ni o čemu” repeatedly. Caption below:

Jezik katastrofe.


Language of catastrophe.

All credits to Weeb for the concept. Intended translation was “Language Catastrophe” but it accidentally turned into “Language of Catastrophe,” which is IMO funnier.


Something (Sunny ver.) greets Basil in the hospital. Basil is displeased.

Something: Dobro jutro.
Basil: Što. Povratak Sunnyu....


Something: Good morning.
Basil [attempted]: What. Return to Sunny....

Weeb wanted “something to wake up to.” The translation is off, alas....


Mari reads a photo caption in which Basil seems to call Sunny a “brat.” Basil is flustered.

[photo caption]: Mari i njezin brat Sunny!

Basil: Ne ne neer, da? But


[photo caption]: Mari and her brother Sunny!

Basil: No no no— er, yes? But—

Prequel to the last one, or something. Croatian brat is actually pronounced similarly to English “brother,” with the a in brat sounding like “about,” but you wouldn’t get that from writing alone.


Aubrey corrects Basil’s Croatian. He uses it to flip off Something. There’s nothing there.

Basil: ‘Povratak Sunnyu’?
Aubrey: …‘Vrati se Sunnyu’?

Basil: Da, hvala ti.
Aubrey: Zašto?
Basil: Vrati se Sunnyu


Basil: ‘The return to Sunny’?
Aubrey: …‘Return to Sunny’?

Basil: Yes, thank you.
Aubrey: Why?
Basil: Return to Sunny

Belated follow-up, or “he_would_not_say_that.png”. (The incorrect version uses “return” as a noun, e.g. “the return [recurrence] of the errors;” correction uses “return” as a verb, e.g. “return [go back] to the source.”)


Aubrey encourages Basil. He’ll try his best!Stranger-Aubrey says the same thing but it sounds threatening. He’s struggling….

Aubrey: Ti hoćes učiti hrvatski~!
Basil: J-ja ću pokušavam… moj najbolji!!

Stranger-Aubrey: Ti hoćes učiti hrvatki
Basil: B-but.... hoćes ≠ želim… ž-željeti… ja ne znam....


Aubrey: You will learn Croatian~!
Basil [attempt at*]: I-I will try… my best!!

Stranger-Aubrey: You will learn Croatian
Basil [approx.]: B-but.... ‘I want’ ≠ ‘I wish’… ‘t-to wish’… I don’t know....

Learned about emphasis! Immediately learned about its origin and a very weird use case. (“Htjeti” is very much one of the Cursed Words.) Who knew the simple act of desiring (and/or, desiring to do) could be so fraught…!

*Also note that “I’ll try my best” apparently doesn’t translate as a phrase, for lack of the concept of ‘doing one’s best.’ An alternate approximation is Ja ću dati sve od sebe, literally “I will give everything from myself.”


Woe! Croatian be upon ye! (ft. Stranger!Aubrey and the word “htjeti”)

hrvatski je tvoja nesreća


croatian is your misfortune

Translated this one All By Myself™ :D …well, kinda:

In which Basil runs away while Stranger-but-Aubrey demands he learn Croatian.

I tend to circle around the canvas when sketching, which is a perfectly reasonable order in which to do/write things. Essentially: started with the original meme’s words (“Woe! Croatian be upon ye!”) → changed the grammar & exact word meanings (mostly because “be upon ye” wtf even) → “sad! Croatian is your problem” → shoved the words I didn’t know into an auto-translator and general search → duct-taped it all together → Memeage Complete.

There are more accurate words that could’ve been used here (“jad” for woe, and “nesrećatechnically means “misfortune” or “trouble” but more commonly conveys “accident” or “disaster”) but I think I got the gist down anyway.
