


Back in Basil’s special hell, Stranger-Aubrey points at three variations of a sentence on a chalkboard. (Faintly in the background, a drawing of him and Sunny has been erased.) Basil is distressed.

Soba Crnog Prostora: Škola Aubrey 2

  • perfekt: nije razumio
  • prezent: ne razumije
  • futur 1: neće razumjeti

Room of Black Space: Aubrey School 2

  • [~]past tense: [he] didn’t understand
  • [~]present tense: [he] doesn’t understand
  • [~]future tense: [he] won’t understand

Croatian and English tenses are not, by a long shot, 1:1. Besides that, I had a weird amount of trouble with this specific line from last round—and even got it wrong the first time here, hence the little correction.


this whole thing is a sitcom now i think.

“Hey, Sunny—” Aubrey approaches Sunny and says something nice in Croatian. He doesn’t get it, to her annoyance. She yells to Basil, who’s been watching from a distance; “Ugh, sorry about this, Sunny; forget I said anyth—” Basil, in a panic, yells “W-wait—No no no no ne [no]—!!!”

On još nije get it.

Aubrey: Stalo mi… Jako mi je stalo do tebe.... Nadam se da si dobro, i…
Aubrey: …drago mi je da smo prijatelji.

Aubrey: Nema znanja!!!


“He still doesn’t get it.”

Aubrey: I care… Very much, I care about you[1].... I hope you’re well, and…
Aubrey: …I’m glad we’re friends.

Aubrey: No knowledge!!![2]

[1] Word order makes the English version a little weird here; jako is the emphasizer, and goes before the thing being emphasized. A more natural English version of the line, hesitation intact, would be “I care about you… a lot,” but the translation keeps the Croatian word order because otherwise the ellipses don’t line up.

[2] Technically translates to “lacks knowledge” but the intention was like, “no thoughts head empty,” with the “he has” being implicit.

Basil approaches, anxious. “I-it’s because—! No, uh,” and then he starts muttering in both English and Croatian, trying to piece a sentence together. Sunny and Aubrey stare at him. Then he finally gets the words out, in an angry exclamation that pisses Aubrey off—but she’s relegated to the background as Basil grabs Sunny’s wrists. He smiles desperately. “S-Sunny— Y-you understand, don’t you?” Basil sputters. (Aubrey exclaims something in the background. Basil continues unfettered:) “A-after all this time, I…” (One more word from Aubrey.) “I want you t—” Then Basil switches to Croatian.

Basil: R-rekla si to netočno!!

(Aubrey: Naučila sam te sve što znaš—)
(Aubrey: Odustajem.)
Basil: […]želim da znaš…


Basil: Y-you said it wrong!!

(Aubrey: I taught you everything you know—)
(Aubrey: I give up.)
Basil: […]I want you to know…

Basil clasps Sunny’s hands in both of his. He speaks in Croatian with yaoi flourish, sidemouth and flowing petals and kneeling and all. / Sunny stares blankly as ever. (Artist’s note in the corner: “this is Hte Best Thign i have Ever drawn, if oyu disagree then Ufck Yuo. [in strikethrough] it’s past 1AM”)

(hand Sunnya)

Basil: Ja… v…volim…

Basil: Volim te… mačak moj,[3] sunce moje, s-sreco moj~!!


(hand of Sunny)

Basil: I… I love…

Basil: I love you… my cat,[3] my sun, my happiness~!!

Thus begins the B-grade. Correct phrases would be mačku moj and sreco moja; they remain uncorrected for the usual “artist couldn’t have known better with the knowledge had at the time” reasons.

[3] Used as a term of endearment; citations one and two. (Fun fact, I flip-flopped so hard on whether to use this before remembering Basil straight-up likens Sunny to a kitten in a birthday photo.)

Basil echoes something Aubrey said earlier; Sunny looks in her direction. The… irritation? secondhand embarassment? is real. / Back to Basil, he continues the echo but with very, /very/ particular emphasis. Then: “Soooo, whaddaya say~?”

Basil: Prilično mi je stalo do tebe…

([Aubrey] nije affiliated s ovim ljudima)
Basil: […]i…

Basil: želim smo biti… vrlo… bliski prijatelji....


Basil: Very, very much, I care about you…

([Aubrey] is not affiliated with these people)
Basil: […]and…

Basil: I want us to be… very… close friends....

Prilično seems to be stronger than jako.... Besides that, Basil’s line has been left wonky on purpose again (želim smo biti da budemo vrlo bliski prijatelji), because grammatical tense.

Sunny thought bubble: 1. Aubrey said one thing; question mark. 2. Basil said another; heart. 3. Both dialogues had “mi je stalo do tebe” and “prijatelji.” 4. Therefore, question mark = heart? approximately…? / 5. Therefore, Aubrey said [heart]??!!!! Fireworks go off in Sunny’s head. Ode_to_Joy.sproutmole! Aubrey picking him up bridal-style! Aubrey and him holding hands [how scandalous, redacted]! [Something /fully/ redacted]…! / Speech bubble from offscreen: “Hey. Earth to Sunny?”

Not translating this one because you can probably piece it together ;V

Question in Croatian. Replies Basil: “B-but he’s blushing… I think…” Aubrey: “You are /on/. your /knee/.” She’s waving a hand in front of Sunny’s face and getting no response. And Basil, indeed, is still on his knee.

Aubrey: Vidiš? Izgubio si ga…


Aubrey: See? You lost him…