I have reached. a Bit of an impasse.
You see, as originally noted, this big liveblog-liveblog was kind of the entire reason I wanted to make this site. Then it became the last thing I actually added. And after effectively speedrunning the first three posts, then setting them aside for A While, I realized that I… do not actually want to do this! Or like, while I do still have an ever-increasing boatload of Thoughts™ that I want to publish one way or another, this Properly-Written Blog Post thing is already overwhelming.
So, heck it. Wiping the slate. I have no plan for what to do from here! But I’ll be diving into the hikikomori route ~soonish, and I think when that starts I’ll just start compiling notedumps as I go, prose and organization be damned.
Previous posts will stay up because I am an eternal stickler for archival, but anything henceforth will be written as if they don’t exist.
That is all!