>makes site primarily to house this stuff
>doesn’t save any diddly darn place on the homepage to actually, like, Spotlight It
aborted liveblog-liveblog
In which I attempted to review my initial playthrough and compile thoughts & observations noted throughout.
- An introduction of some sort.: The who (bit about me), the how (approach to the game & meta in general), the why (why tho).
- January 12: It’s all fun and games…: Early impressions.
- January 12: theoryloss.jpg: Musings on violence, rabid sprouts, Hero as a concept, and other stuff.
- intermission snippets: Things that didn’t fit at the end of last post.
- [untitled dumpage]: Unfinished continuation.
- um.: Not really meta, just explaining why this got scrapped.
The rest will be, uh, less comprehensive. I think. Or at least less perfectionistically-written…. >_>"
the rest
- is this a meta: Revisited my save files, made some little observations throughout and also went on a pinwheel tangent.
- boss rush speedrun: Notes on the Headspace bosses.
hikikomori playthrough notes
Written without much regard for prior context, nor do I usually bother to explain my various thought tangents or overall analytical process. That way perfectionism lies….