hunger murder gaem

shenanigans brought to you by the murder game simulator and some slapdash scribbles. this is mostly just a separate page for transcription’s sake (toggled via click) and because I had no idea how to lay these out on a canvas

da gaems

round 1


Sunny trips and falls in a really bad way, breaking his neck.

[Sunny falls down all these stairs.]

this might as well happen.


Waiting for…

[Red void. Headspace-Mari is faceless; Omori, in the foreground, is decidedly not facing her.]

Omori does his best to avoid Mari.


[Headspace-]Hero hopes he doesn’t have to harm anyone.

And Then He Didn’t.

Kel sics his pet wolf dog on [Headspace-]Hero! Hero gets torn to shreds by the ravenous animal!

[Thinks Kel,] You’re not my real bro… [Hector (the dog) wags his tail, sitting happily in a puddle of blood with Headspace-Hero’s dismembered arm in his maw. Kel, turned away, sheds a dramatic tear and clenches his fist, dramatically.]


Basil swooshes the air with his sword shears.

“I f—ing love gardening” [declares Basil, determined.]


literally just canon:

Kel spots something shiny in the distance.


[Headspace-]Aubrey tries to kill Mari(’s spirit), but Mari(’s spirit) retaliates and kills her instead.

Something ambushes Aubrey and eviscerates her!

[Aubrey is on her knees.] “not really feelin the love here, Mari…
[replies Mari:] “sorry it’s the 90s. only one girl allowed.”


[Headspace-]Basil doesn’t really understand what’s happening.

this also [is literally just canon].


Basil, with a gun creeps up behind [Headspace-]Basil and shoots him point-blank with his shotgun!

[watermelon noises]

[Headspace Basil does indeed split like a melon sprite.] aw

(“why so many Basils” [the roster has] Mari, dead Mari, Something, bonus… had to even [them] out.)


and, um,

Basil wishes he was dead.
Basil [Headspace ed.], killed by Basil,

[sure is… also canon…] . . .


In an act of betrayal, Omori and Mari team up and eliminate Something!

love the hikikomori route.

[Omori stomps on Headspace-Mari’s shadow, which sure is Something.] hmm.


Basil does his best to avoid a sad, lonely picnic basket.

[As described, Basil keeps his distance. The basket exists in the foreground.] threatening.


[Headspace-]Aubrey’s corpse rots peacefully.

why is there flavor text for rotting corpses i ASDFGHJKL

[Skeletons are chained to the wall in triads. One wears a bow.] “omori why”

[Omori simply looks on, thinking,] ah, so peaceful.


[Headspace-]Kel keeps trying to tell a joke, but it always falls flat.

“hey omori wanna hang out”

[Omori and Mari are furious.] L + ratio + not funny + didn’t LOL + get that truth shit outta here

Mari and Omori conspire against Kel


Basil finds some leather scraps, just enough to patch together some rudimentary clothing. It looks rather caveman-like.

at last. one with nature.

Basil wearing leather scraps is a sight to behold.



[In which Omori and (one version of) Basil play the aforementioned game…]

gun? Knife.

Omori lobs his pitchfork knife at Basil, with a gun, killing him instantly!


Real Shit emerges as the victorious team. Everyone else is dead.

[Among the roster (team “ZZZ,” the Headspace crew plus Something and Stranger, vs “Real Shit,” everyone else plus Mari’s spirit, the picnic basket, and Basil with a gun), three players are left alive: Mari(’s spirit), in first place with 3 kills; Basil, in fourth with one kill; and a sad, lonely picnic basket, in last with no kills.]

Mari(’s spirit) finds a dapper suit and puts it on! It’s rather fetching.

“we did it, Basil! we beat all the fake people!

[Mari fistpumps the air in victory. The caveman is less enthused.]

Basil longs for death.


But One Must Win.

Basil trips and falls in a really bad way, breaking his neck. [:sunnyPensive:]

Mari(’s spirit) eats something she shouldn’t have and dies of horrible stomach pains.

“you just gotta try the steak!” #worth it #already dead

a sad, lonely picnic basket is glad it made it out alive.

It was (not.) very dramatic.



Round 13
The dead husk of Hero rots peacefully.
The pile of flesh that used to be [Headspace-]Mari rots peacefully.
Mari(’s spirit) twiddles her thumbs.

this was the Entire round. 143 ig…!!

[Mari’s spirit is indeed twiddling her thumbs, sitting on a stump.] nothing disturbing here, folks! [Hero and Headspace-Mari lie facedown in the foreground.]

round 2


very eventful first round… (1/?)

Headspace-Aubrey bludgeons Aubrey to death with her big stick!

“Which version of me is long gone now

[Headspace-Aubrey is splattered in blood. Her bat doesn’t even have nails.] “Fucker”


very eventful first round… (2/?)

Something tries to kill [Headspace-]Aubrey, but Aubrey retalitates and kills it instead.
Omori lobs his knife at Basil, killing him instantly!

in a row, yes.

[Aubrey and Omori don #CoolShades, and there is a cool explosion behind them.] #NotThisTime. [Something and Basil lie flat in the background; Basil didn’t even do anything.]


very eventful first round… (3/3)

“wow…” [says Basil, starry-eyed.]

[Headspace-]Basil admires [Headspace-]Aubrey’s muscles.

“Thanks,” [replies Aubrey, flexing,] “you should kill your real self for these guns next round!”


[Headspace-]Kel uses his slingshot to pelt Hero with rocks, which is more annoying than anything, really.

[Hero, nonchalantly eating a sandwich, only glances over. He thinks,] You’re not my real bro…


Before[, there is Sunny.]

Sunny finally snaps!

after… [there is Sunny. Nothing has changed.]


A Tragedy in Three Parts:


[Headspace-]Hero tries to get others to notice him.


Hero finds a lovely bikini and puts it on! It’s quite revealing. [The top is on his eyes.]

[Mari’s spirit says,] “i appreciate the gender but pls leave those for real Hero”
[Hero is dejected.] “ok…”


Mari(’s spirit) ambushes Hero and gets rid of him!


alas, real Hero:

Omori attempts to kill Mari(’s spirit), but Hero intervenes to protect her! Unfortunately, Hero dies in the attempt…

[Spirit-Mari gestures down the stairs, as Hero falls down.] “why would you do this.” [Omori is unphased.] “was the bikini not enough”


In a fit of frenzy, Sunny creeps up on Omori and slaughters him!

[Sunny thwacks Omori over the head with the violin, which is thoroughly broken. Omori lies paper-flat.]

when past-you talks too much shit the bikini was good, coward


Stranger attacks and kills Aubrey before [Headspace-]Basil can react! Basil rushes to help, but Aubrey dies in his arms…

“not the guns… anything but the sick guns…”
[Stranger, watching blankly:]Bruh.

Basil Proceeds To Have A Great Time.

Basil just wants it to end already…
Basil starts sobbing uncontrollably.
Basil has a blank expression and seems unresponsive to what’s going on…
Basil starts sobbing uncontrollably. (again, yes.)

To Be Contineu


Bruh again????

[Sunny shoves Mari down the stairs; begone. She should’ve apologized for the steak.]

In a fit of frenzy, Sunny creeps up on Mari(’s spirit) and snaps her neck!


Stranger won’t die like the others. [immediately followed by:]
In a fit of frenzy, Sunny creeps up on Stranger and kills him dead!

[Four-panel meme, in which Sunny and Stranger face each other.]
“you accept the Truth now, right?”
[Stranger stares.]
[Sunny stares closer.]
[Stranger sweats.]


last but not at All least.

In a fit of frenzy, Sunny creeps up on [Headspace-]Basil and snaps his neck!

[Sunny stares down Basil atop the stairs. Sunny grabs Basil by the neck like a squeak toy.]

(you were expecting a shove weren’t you 😎)


[In the final ranking, Sunny won with 4 kills.]

[Sunny, in real life, has also zoned out flat on his back, with a book spread over his face. His friends sit around him. In dialogue bubbles with no indicated speakers (or order):]

  • “Did… did he fall asleep reading?”
  • “What’s a hunger game? Now I’m hungry.”
  • “Hey, Sunny? …Wow. Out like a light.”
  • “How long has he been…?”
  • “This has happened before…”

fin. (I Guess.)

steal my setup

with images


(you can edit the team attributes, name, pictures, etc. after import!)

knock yourself out; feel free to lmk if something funny happens~