Omori sits and watches. (back to homepage)

Hi there~ I’m a-flyleaf and Omori has taken over my life. I don’t use social media these days but wanted to dump my various scrawlings somewhere, and since I know how to code, this site exists! There are no secrets in the HTML, but feel free to poke around.

Why is the back button at the bottom of every page so pointy?

I spent over half the game thinking those squiggly little guys in White Space were forks and not hands. To commemorate my lunacy I’ve made them actual forks here.

A White Space hand, but with thin, long, pointed “fingers” like a fork.

Stats, for fun.

  • Foe Facts: Someone who refuses to be associated with a visual personae. A little obsessive.
  • Favorite character Character tierlist in a nutshell: Aubrey & Kel >> Sunny/Omori & Basil > Mari & Hero (sorry. damned by lack of strong feelings, not active dislike)
  • Favorite scenes: “It Means Everything.” (full church scene; before, during, and after) & Omori boss fight for the drama; ghost dance cutscene for the Top 10 Heartwarming Moments Before Certain Disaster
  • Has played Hikikomori: Not yet…. As of July 10, it’s a go!
  • Plays piano: With the aptitude of someone who’s gotten really good at paint-by-numbers but doesn’t understand anatomy. Nonetheless, yes!
  • Other RPGs played: Off, Undertale + deltarune, and a handful of Pokémon installments
  • Most likely to:
    • point at Off references and go “That’s an Off reference :D”
    • froth at the mouth about any sort of visual and/or thematic parallel
    • draw absolutely insane conclusions from breadcrumb similarities
    • get pummeled into fetal position by Steel Folding Chairs™ of “that offhand comment wasn’t supposed to bite back later—” liveblogging caliber
  • Assorted childhood memories that hint vaguely at an age: Watching VHS tapes on a giant TV that made your hair stand up if you got close. Sticking fingers in casette tapes to rewind them (and sometimes rendering them unplayable forever in the process!). “Can I play on the computer?”. Looking over cousins’ shoulders in bewilderment as they played Tamagotchis. All in all, spending probably too much time at a screen, but nonetheless a hell of a lot less than whatever the kids and their smartphones are doing these days.
  • Remembers dial-up: No.
  • Relates to “90s kid” memes: It’s a roulette….
  • Was around for Geocities-type web design: Absolutely not, but vaguely influenced by it in making this site anyway.
  • Has had fucked-up dreams about teeth: Inexplicably, on multiple occasions. They cronch.


…to Omocat (studio, and also person) for making this beautiful thing.
…to čovjek moj Weeb, with whom I had a hell of a Gaem Time.
…and to you, random internet denizen, for clicking around and finding out.


Comments welcome~