20211/4/20, modified from original roundup
Assorted sketches of Zero:
- Two versions of a fullbody, both playing with cyan markings on the wings.
- Simple side view headshot, with a closeup on the feather gradient (cyan to pink).
- Fullbody side view comparison: current anatomy, front claws turned outward slightly; and one “based on [the] original adopt by GlitchedBat” which also has “toe beans” (paws).
- Below the comparison, headshots of the two versions. “Who are you?” asks Zero; “I’m you,” says the original Zero, “but older and less blinding.”
Written side notes:
- FTR the record I still have the original adoptable file saved. buried in folders from 2012. wack
- usually I edit out the palette squares but what the hell, fits the sketchiness
- (this [headshot canvas] looks a lil awkward because I figure out the layout as I go along and forgot a doodle, oops.)
Those last two notes are more relevant to the roundup file as a whole, but figured I’d transcribe them anyway.