miscellaneous randos
Assorted designs that I’ve remembered through the years. Most aren’t Developed Characters with set personalities and backstories and all that jazz, they kinda just Exist and spark joy so here they are~
Ordered chronologically by creation, more or less. Those with over 9 artstuffs have been punted to individual pages.
doodle demon
A funky lil figure that pops up throughout my school notebooks. I drew it once for an art class and was told “This is your Garfield.” I don’t want to market it or myself in any substantial way, but if I had to, I guess this feller would make a nifty mascot? I’m thinking less Garfield and more Dolossus….
- Back in my Warriors phase (c. 2009!!), the official warrior name generator dubbed me “Nightpath.” I used this name around a few sites, including Wolf-Haven.
- A premium feature of Wolf-Haven allows users to customize their pixel avatars via drawing on a sprite sheet. I won a custom (through a means I’ve since forgotten; random giveaway? it wasn’t a contest) and then realized I had no idea what I wanted my wolf to look like. By 2011, this design spawned!
- In 2020 I revisited the design, now with a little more hue contrast.
- That’s it! I don’t really do much with her.
Slade Auctor
A young ’yote made for ’Souls RPG in 2010 (first reference posted 2011), and essentially a self-insert. Like Nightpath, he got RP’d sometimes but I don’t feel the need to do much else with him. He gets used a lot more often for random art, though.

Flynn Smith & Ren Brandt

Scrapped characters from The Firebird Effect that got developed a whole lot more than their merged version. (They could probably have their own pages but, for lack of a better category, they’re getting shoehorned here for now.) Both candidates for minor characters in the disaster duo’s storyline, Flynn primarily and Ren by extension.
Flynn’s whole-ass story, plus a mini gallery, is in this shriblet; Ren has no equivalent.
- uhhh I don’t feel like reposting all the wiki stuff unless they’re gonna get their own pages
- although unless I wanna overhaul the tag system they should just have a disaster-crew page for ease of linking
Notes to self aside, here’s the Flynn art that made it here.


scrapped species
Around early 2018 a couple friends invited me to build a RP with custom worlds and species. This is the thing I made up. I don’t remember anything else about it, nor have I drawn it much since, but I figured I’d shelve it here anyway.
cringetober duo

A couple designs that spawned in 2020 as part of the cringetober challenge. They’ve been drawn a few times for ArtFight and I think that’s pretty cool B)
- All their art by yours truly is on dA and I do not feel like reuploading it \o/
Fan characters based on Joel Guerra’s ENA webseries, which I was very intensely into for a few months in early 2021.
- The duck-rabbit was going to be used for some animation tests, most of which weren’t quite executed.
- Fans of the series have taken to making their own polygon people, “enasonas,” and I wanted in. It is totally not a self-insert based on a recurring issue in my life, you guys.
Other than sharing a “canon” they’re not related, but they’re not individually-defined enough to warrant separate subheaders either.
These thumbnails kind of look like ass because technicolor pixel art doesn't like JPEG compression. Fullsize images are high quality.
Awful, awful creature made as part of You’re gonna be the death of me, but I draw it on its own sometimes so what the heck here it is.
Also, it has a theme song.
Besides the above, mostly snipped from monthly roundups, it shows up a fair bit in the project’s general gallery.
Minor/side character in You’re gonna be the death of me whose design I like too much because of course I do, I gave them a wolf motif, I dug my own grave I’ll lie in it. Basically recycles Flynn’s body type, yes—but besides both being showy ?brunettes, they’re not terribly similar.
Also went ahead and punted this one to ArtFight.