Nightpath’s original design, colored pixel lineart.
Nightpath reference v1
November 19, 2010
Phew, talk about a relic! The only art program I used at the time was MSPaint; I remember scouring deviantArt for hours trying to find good free lines compatible with both MSPaint’s pixelization and lack of transparency.
As a side note, the file date is November 2010, but the dA upload suggests January 2011. I’m inclined to believe the latter, but this’ll be one of the oldest arts on this site regardless. Maybe the 2010 date is from the original lineart file…?
Wyndbain’s deviantArt is, as of June 2022, still online. The wolf lines, both pixelated and original, have alas been lost to time—but the dollmaker game they’re from has been preserved through a Flash game archive. (a-flyleaf/NightAuctor has not tried this and should not be held liable for whatever the download does.)