Three lineless illustrations featuring the eel-horse-raptor.
- first: Foggy forest; a human in a clearing holds out a map. In the foreground, the eel-horse-raptor watches.
- second: Inside an aquarium, between fishtanks, the eel-horse-raptor lowers its head over a caution tape.
- third: A person stands at the entrance to an overgrown alleyway; a poster on an adjacent wall warns of nuclear activity. From the darkness, the eel-horse-raptor flashes a toothy grin.
illustration sequence, or “me panicking bass boosted.mdp”
June 15, 2017
The file name (concurred by memory) indicates that I churned these out the morning of class, as one does. I forget what the exact requirements were because I’m not 100% sure these are supposed to go together; we were studying sequential art and illustrative storytelling, iirc.