a-flyleaf’s toyshelf
Zero the Isos

Zero’s original design, a full reference showing the wings, eyes, mouth, general side view, and palette. Also noted:

  • Species: Isos
  • Gender: Male
  • Element: Earth

Zero the Isos

August 7, 2012

Originally posted on deviantArt. Other than some minor HTML tweaks, the original bio has been left fully intact below. Element and worldbuilding tidbits are derived from the original species’ description, which has since been hidden/deleted by the creator.

Name: Zero
Gender: Male
Age: 24 human years
Element: Earth
Personality: Stoic, introverted, blunt. He likes to think he’s a natural leader, if only because he enjoys ordering others around because it gives him a sense of worth. Though he usually tries to avoid small talk and interaction with others in general, he’s quick to jump into any sort of debate to defend or bring up his stance on the topic.
--Likes: Flying, serious conversation/discussion, stalking observing humans, scavenging for food
--Dislikes: Anyone who he deems wrong, natural leaders (who aren’t him), hunting, silly or trivial things, children of any species, making use of his elemental abilities, his mother
~His name gave him some emo-like grief as an adolescent, though by now he’s gotten over the “I’m worthless” phase… mostly. His name is still a bit of a sore spot, especially if used in an insult.
~He’s on the short side thanks to his neck not being as long as a normal Isos’, nor does he have much muscle.
~He wishes he had inherited his mother’s element, Air, as he thinks it fits his personality more.
~He likely wouldn’t know that his element his Earth if it weren’t for his mother’s coaxing to experiment; he’s resented her ever since.
~His father wasn’t absent during his “childhood,” as he’d like to tell himself and those around him; instead, Zero just held a grudge against him for passing down the Earth element and avoided contact whenever possible. He wasn’t saddened by his father’s death.
~He’s fascinated with the human race but isn’t willing to make direct contact.

Almost none of this is relevant anymore ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ Nowadays (writing in 2022) I do not characterize Zero as terribly serious, blunt, or angsty; sounds like this version of Zero would probably hate who he’s become. But I suppose he’s always liked flying, stalking observing others, and scavenging (exploring)?