Caleb: character design notes

notes on the design notes

Hex color codes and height measurements need not be precise; they’re provided anyway for consistency. Relative colors (value + hue) and heights (where one character stands proportional to another) are more important.

Similarly, while some design details are key (for characterization and/or thematic reasons), others are a byproduct of art style; for instance, black and white are used fairly deliberately, but hair is often exaggerated for silhouette. There are also aspects where the distinction between diegesis and stylization is besides the point. I’ve tried to distinguish them as follows:

  • Important: Notes in bold & key traits should be maintained for recognizability.
  • Less important: Notes in gray are stylistic decisions on my part, and aren’t strictly necessary.
  • Notes without either format aren’t vital (i.e. if this was a book there’d be no need to describe these), but they’re not artistic quirks either. Take ’em or leave ’em.

These pages have a rudimentary mobile/single-column layout, but are ideally viewed on a larger, horizontal screen. The full layout has a fixed size, and is intentionally not responsive.

Fullbody of Caleb, eyebrows furrowed and mouth line squiggly in worry. He stands knock-kneed, with hands (which are covered by long sleeves) curled by his chest.


  • 4'0"
  • 121.92cm
silhouettes of the main eight
Shortest of the main eight.



Pale skin, dusty blonde hair, and faded pale blue eyes. Hair is short and frazzled, drawn with stylistic “bumps” for a softer appearance.

(skip hex codes)
  • #ede7dd
  • #e3d395
  • #97afc1


Wears a white t-shirt and leggings, yellow shorts, a big pink off-shoulder sweater with sleeves that cover the hands, and fuzzy yellow & pink boots.

(skip hex codes)
  • #f9f9fc
    shirt, leggings
  • #e5c6eb
    sweater, boot accents
  • #ffedc2
    shorts, main boots

key traits

Timid little guy who’s usually sinking into his sweater, pitching a fit, or both. Huge, nervous eyes and a mouth that’s always wavering. Clothes drown him in soft pastels; hands are almost always tucked into long sleeves.

Associated with pink, usually pale.

actual notes

  • I genuinely do not know what his hair is doing. Is it curly? straight? The world may never know. The way I draw it, the “bumps” tend to tilt outward from a straighter “nub” at the back of the head.

  • Round, circular face, with a button nose to match.

    Important: Eyes are big, wide, and perpetually sad- and/or nervous-looking; I tend to tilt the outer line downwards for a droopy look. Short, round eyebrows.

    Also important: Mouth is usually quivering or otherwise tense; I almost always draw it with shaky lines, even with open-mouthed or smiling expressions.

    • Sweater is big on purpose; (important:) hands are rarely if ever visible.
    • The leggings could have cutout designs but I am too lazy to draw them consistently so they don’t. Think stars or something else soft and/or cutesy.
    • Boot fuzz could also be swapped out for loose socks or something. Honestly the design from the waist down can vary, I just think it’s more balanced with some pink around the feet.