“The accountant”: character design notes

notes on the design notes

Hex color codes and height measurements need not be precise; they’re provided anyway for consistency. Relative colors (value + hue) and heights (where one character stands proportional to another) are more important.

Similarly, while some design details are key (for characterization and/or thematic reasons), others are a byproduct of art style; for instance, black and white are used fairly deliberately, but hair is often exaggerated for silhouette. There are also aspects where the distinction between diegesis and stylization is besides the point. I’ve tried to distinguish them as follows:

  • Important: Notes in bold & key traits should be maintained for recognizability.
  • Less important: Notes in gray are stylistic decisions on my part, and aren’t strictly necessary.
  • Notes without either format aren’t vital (i.e. if this was a book there’d be no need to describe these), but they’re not artistic quirks either. Take ’em or leave ’em.

These pages have a rudimentary mobile/single-column layout, but are ideally viewed on a larger, horizontal screen. The full layout has a fixed size, and is intentionally not responsive.

Fullbody of the accountant, standing near-symmetrical from the front, arms crossed behind back. Glancing off to the side, frowning slightly.


  • >6'6"
  • 198.12cm
silhouettes of the main eight
Tallest of the main eight.



Tan skin, white hair, and bright blue-green eyes (matches the suit). Hair is long, wavy with flourish, and evidently dyed (eyebrows are the natural black).

(skip hex codes)
  • #b49386
  • #eaf3f6
    hair (dyed)
  • #1c1c1d
    hair (natural)
  • #5fdae0


Wears a single-button blue-green pantsuit, black dress shirt, dark blue tie, and shoes that match the suit.

(skip hex codes)
  • #5fdae0
    suit, shoes
  • #31343c
    dress shirt, suit button
  • #3473A4
    tie, socks
  • #eaf3f6

key traits

Very tall, very particular, and typically unimpressed—but rather enthused when fixated. Bright-suited with irises to match; white hair is dyed that way. Prone to odd hand movements.

Associated with aqua, blue-green, turquoise, green-blue, whatever you call it; always saturated, but can stand out less in certain lighting.

actual notes

  • Style choice: Three hair waves in the front, two in the back, regardless of direction faced. Dramatic swoop.

  • Surprise is rare, but drawn to show what the eyebrows might look like raised.
    • Eyebrows are the color giveaway. Naturally arched; along with thin eyes, default expression can appear sardonic and/or faintly amused.
    • Lines around the inner eye are a slight indent/wrinkle, not eyebags.
    • Nose tapers to a point and slants downwards; profile is otherwise fairly flat.
    • Very slight cheekbone definition.
    • Long face, pointed jawline.
    • Suit lapels are peaked.
    • Not visible in reference, but (important:) wears gloves over bony hands. Prone to odd hand gestures when talking; otherwise keeps them folded behind back by default.