about a-flyleaf.github.io


a-flyleaf is a pseudonymous internet nerd. Can often be found doing digital art, banging away at HTML/CSS, or wrangling some kind of story. Sometimes these activities even go together!

  • bullet-point-overuser
  • meta-appreciator
  • archival-enjoyer
  • trying to be less of a perfectionist


A dubiously-organized hodge-podge of smaller sites in a trenchcoat on a subdomain.

  • The Projects™ page showcases some stories and websites I’ve spent some substantial amount of time on. Check ’em out if you want ;V
  • shriblets are one-off pages where I screw around with coding. Not as in-depth, obviously, but still fun little romps in their own right~
  • There is also a blog here, which gets updated whenever. No set topics, no schedule, no masters.


(AKA obligatory contact section)

  • if this ever fails to work assume I am dead: E-mail is a-flyleaf@protonmail.net; spambots do not interact!!!1!
  • also a safe bet: You can drop me an anonymous line through this Dreamwidth post masquerading as a guestbook. Reliant on me checking Dreamwidth, but I do that fairly often as of mid-2023.
  • I also use deviantArt with some degree of regularity, although I am starting to dislike it a lot (and you need an account to contact anyone) so this one’s shaky.


Do you want a painstaking breakdown of exactly when I do what on every other page? Me too! Which is why most of my sites* have a changelog; it may or may not be visibly-linked, but slap a /changelog to the end of the base URL and you might find something. (*Main one not included, ironically. The blog’s the closest I got here.)

My GitHub commit history also auto-updates every time I hit publish. It’s a lil fluky since I often have updates sitting on my computer ready to publish whenever, but hey.


Social media is a data-sucking hellscape and it makes my brain break out in algorithmically-induced hives. Formatting limitations suck, arbitrary UI changes suck, being constantly subject to the whims of paywalls and CEOs and advertisers—It’s A Lot Of Suck, all the way down.

Here, meanwhile, I can do basically whatever I want ;3 And you get to look at it! For free! Without logging in or anything; data-wise, I get nothing!! And if GitHub ever mucks that up, everything is primarily on my own machine, so I can pack up and move whenever.

Not a bad deal for the price of coding knowledge!


Behold, a colophon, which lists some resources I use/recommend. Specific code screwery also usually has nifty links adjacent somewhere, even if it’s buried in the code comments.