I first drafted this post at the end of January, realized I didn’t actually have much of substance to share, shoved it in drafts, and now it’s a month later and there are actually updates. Cool!
{read more →}blog
Wow! Much word, such ramble.
Post layouts may vary.
Audit. Isn’t that such a lively word?
…Uh, finally hit push on a bunch of changes from December. So I’m writing this less than a week into the new year, but don’t be surprised if it doesn’t go live until later :V
[update 1/08: lol]
song unrelated. rambling ahoy!
{read more →}It’s been over a year since I last published any changes. Time to rectify that!
{read more →}{read more →}Tip: you can do nothing to a stale croissant for any arbitrary length of time and it will remain as is. Do not cut it, or add butter. Stasis and stagnation.
oh hey I forgot about that last post! it looks as ~intended and is published now, hooray. [edit 2024/09/18: no it wasn’t I didn’t push the commit until today,,,]
Anyway, ✨stuff✨, no order no gods no masters. Post title is misheard lyrics from the latest earworm.
{read more →}idk just some ~Images~ i wanted to capture
{read more →}bottleneck (noun.): what happens when a procrastination-prone coder is like “this can go public once I finish XYZ.” and then,, takes 500 years,,, to do XYZ
{read more →}February Plus, the new subscription service where you click a button (this post) and see what else I’ve been up to this month. Wow!
{read more →}January update, but it’s the middle of February.
{read more →}It sure is 2023 all right.
{read more →}more thoughts and things
{read more →}assorted thoughts and things
{read more →}It took me a solid ~5 minutes of running Jekyll, closing it, clearing the cache, restarting, rinse and repeat, before I realized this post wasn’t showing up because I was refreshing my live blog page and not the localhost.
Anyway, assorted musings with minimal relation.
{read more →}I discovered this lovely blog last night and have subsequently been compelled to get all techy on my devices
{read more →}The internet is so fucking stupid (complimentary).
{read more →}A less poetic follow-up.
{read more →}I’ve had some variation of the “Always Own Your Platform” page link floating around my site for ages. It’s good, I like it. I also found it via quick search-skim, because my Full Thoughts™ on the topic have been formed through countless articles of varying formality and subject matter, which means writing an Opinion Piece myself would mean a very long and potentially frustrating trek through the internet wilderness trying to source my ideas.
That said, in the interest of putting it in my own words, even if those words have citations of the “just trust me dude” variety… what the heck, here ya go.
{read more →}It’s a lie.
{read more →}{read more →}Please give me your hands and tell me how safe you feel in your perfectly defended privacy.
Went on an accessibility bingeread lately, because A) it’s important, B) I can always do better, and C) it’s been on the mind lately far as web-based visual storytelling is concerned.
This is not a project ramble, though. Mostly I’m posting this publicly as an accountability check; things I think(/hope) I’m doing well, and reminders for future edits.
{read more →}There are two parts to this but I can’t be bothered to put it on two separate pages (for now, anyway). The 404 part is below; click here for the new project rambling.
{read more →}So this is a thing now. Additional context:
{read more →}I have a frankly ridiculous amount of random little pages floating around
{read more →}So, it’s been almost two years. Since launching this site I have done a whole lotta nothing with it, although
{read more →}Wow, it sure has been a year! Awfully quiet around here. But as of today I finally backed up an old project of mine,
{read more →}There’s a certain thrill to hand-coding a website like this.
{read more →}Had this tutorial bookmarked for ages and it’s about time I actually used it! So far so good….