a few notes on privacy
This is not a Privacy Policy; I am not a lawyer.
I am not interested in your data, and thus do not use analytics, statcounters, link tracking, advertisements, or anything of that sort. You can double check this in the repository if you’d like.
That said, it is possible that relevant services collect visitor information anyway. None of this goes to me, but in the interest of transparency:
This site is hosted on GitHub Pages. The following note used to be on the GitHub Privacy Statement page:
Please note that GitHub may collect Technical Information from visitors to your GitHub Pages website, including logs of visitor IP addresses, to maintain the security and integrity of the website and service.
This changed at some point, and as of March 2023 the Privacy Statement (archived) only discusses “Enterprise Marketing Pages.” This is sure as hell not a GitHub marketing site, so I’m not sure if the info-collection still applies.
Not my favorite megacorporation in the world, but I’m stuck in its omnipresent chokehold nonetheless. I try to minimize its influence here, but for the record:
- Pages from before November 2021 may use Google Fonts. As of July 2022, it’s been replaced with local embeds on the old default layout and a discontinued project’s pages, but I haven’t gotten around to swapping it out elsewhere.
- Art pages may have YouTube embeds, because I am not immune to convenience and occasionally work with video.
Nitter? Piped?
Alternative frontends to Twitter and YouTube, respectively. They are both dead/non-functional as of January 2025, sadly—but I’m leaving this section here anyway, for the following:
These links are interchangeable, so the megacorporate source is only a URL change away.
“Frontend”? “Instance”?? What the hell are you talking about???
Ever wanted to browse Twitter/YouTube with none of the ads, recommendations, or other bloat? Bam, enjoy ;V These websites essentially serve as giant embeds, and frankly I don’t know enough tech talk to explain how else it works.
But I do know Twitter and YouTube are relentless data-munchers, and I like open source projects like these on principle. The downside is that, because these sites are much smaller and entirely reliant on the host continuing to behave as expected, sometimes they just don’t load—hence the note above about link interchangeability. A small price to pay for not getting unsolicited recs shoved in your face, IMO.
yeah but they died
I know. I’m sad about it.
Look, it’s 2025; Bluesky wants to usurp Twitter, which isn’t even called Twitter, and if I had a nickel for every time YouTube tried to break adblockers I’d have far, far too many nickels.
I don’t care ¯\_( :V )_/¯ I replace my own dead links as I catch them, and everything else is a simple manual change away. Algorithms are still not my friend, and I highly, highly recommend dodging them wherever possible!