hikikomori addendump

Notes from a second playthrough, unpolished and raw.

[basically just a bunch of addendums but the end of last round is long enough as-is, So]


  • hmm hm hm. cattail fields, likens purple leafs to tail(s) of cat(s); what’s it mean that aubrey and mari/basil made those, then?
  • oh super late but uh, big wrench in the aubrey/basil crush theory[1] is that, at the time i’m playing now, basil is gone and aubrey is not omori-obsessed. however on the other hand we have yet to transition to a fresh new day proper, and… i forget how the headspace kids greet omori after the irl day actually, and will definitely have to compare/contrast….
  • re:cold, GDI how could I forget:
    SUNNY… Are you there? I’m… I’m cold…
    ^if you don’t open the door for Hellmari….

i can(’t)

  • ok fuck it did a ~25-minute can grind because the universal remote can first be used right now immediately[2] and I wanna see if it’s any different before either route is underway (the LP doesn’t get it until well into hikikomori, iirc)… firstly the shadow dog’s mouth reminds me of an angler fish, so that’s curious, and second oh my god no way in HELL are the chances an even 1/8th. didn’t note what quantities I had going into this but at 10 cans (and I already had 1…): 11 rubber bands, 9 sparklers, 21 cherry sodas, and 20 fucking life jams. god
  • …update, I misread. the universal remote will only work on one day left of the omori route; it does not Matter if I get it in a true run or obtain it now or anything. askdghsdkgjsdgkhsdfkjds well whatever that’s a good stock to start up with, and I’ll see how much garbage I collect from the rest of the game….

back through Basil’s garden

  • geez, there’s already wilted plants. wonder how often this happens; if it’s between every other major plot point no wonder I missed the Basil bonus on a first run
  • welp, extra hearts for everyone! …or uh, +1 Omori and Hero, +2 Aubrey, none of the cacti had died which ig is a testament to the whole “don’t need much care” thing. gdi, attention to detail


[1] Hmm, have I mentioned this before? TL;DR I think Headspace-Aubrey is suddenly given a crush on Omori, one she doesn’t seem to have (or at least isn’t so obvious about) IRL, because these are feelings Basil would’ve had but Basil is forbidden. Basil gets beheaded a lot, and pink doll heads are a recurring image; symbolically I think this indicates that Sunny subconsciously wants to control them both, or at least to overwrite how they feel about him.

[2] well, uh. by this I meant I noticed TVs, and remembered that TV Girl’s place is a Universal Remote spot, and… jumped to conclusions….