
I understand, now.
She’s already been exposed. It must be a sort of… if not immunity, a defense, which is why she hasn’t succumbed yet.
She’s… she’s going to lose her mind in here; she’d rather lose her mind in here, than let me lay a finger on her. Even if that’s her only hope of getting out of here, unless—

But she has no reason to believe me, even if

she’s actually— you can’t just—
you have to act you have to strike now no no no this is your one shot I can’t let myself don’t let her go—

I’ve gone too far as-is


Image: Joce turns around, reaching out in a panic.
With a shaky hand, surroundings fading into a blur, Kay Lin holds out a very sharp tooth.
“Key. One use.”
There’s so much more I want to say, but…
No matter which way you go…
I hope I never see you again.

It'd hurt too much.