Meanwhile, a panicked run’s distance from the crash site….

“We shouldn’t even be out here.”

Right, Gary insists, but it’s too late to turn back. It only makes sense to keep going—

It’s not too late at all, Addison protests. They should turn around before they get too far, and—
Counters Gary, they’re already too far! They can’t go back towards the things that tried to kill them. At least if they try for the castle, the trip will have been worthwhile—
Argues Addison: Not worth their lives!

The disagreement shows no sign of stopping. And it’s too risky to split up.
Thus concludes Sequitur: Welp.

Man, who would’a thought a fuckin’ Halloween party would’a went this way.
First that weird-ass letter, then the were… whatever those were.

Image: The truck came across something odd.
The driver got dragged out the window.