
“I don’t think I’ve been all there since we stepped in here, is the thing.

“I’ll have these brief moments where I can get the story straight, like when the long-toothed vampire was talking to me, but then I feel like some kind of caged animal.

“It’s really exhausting.”

Image: Joce bangs at a looming door, yelling. Candles flicker on either side; far above, a pointed chandelier sways.

Image: Then Joce freezes. Pale hand on her shoulder.

“Anyway. You didn’t have to be so startled to see me. I just thought maybe you should quiet down, maybe take a nap. I asked, who even was this letter-writer castle-head person-vampire, which must’ve been one of the crazy moments because you obviously have no relation.

“Joce got that note, not you. Right?

Image: Flashback: Joce held the letter, Gary and the first-gone friend looking over her shoulders. (Sequitur and Kay Lin also standing close.)

“No, wait—you found it, but it was for Joce, and— Well, I guess it doesn’t matter, since everyone jumped on the bandwagon to follow it back to the mystery sender. Joce said she knew who it was, and they hadn’t spoken in years, but not much else. That’s what happened. I’m certain that’s what happened. I saw it, and I didn’t want to go, but—

Image: Continuing the flashback: As the group talked, the first-gone waved Addison over.

“Look. This sounds stupid, but… you’re half the reason I agreed to this. I mean, I wanted to get out, too, but I didn’t want to trespass—and that was before we found out why the woods are off-limits.

“That… really upset me, you know? Maybe I’m just being overly sentimental because, oh, I don’t know, we saw you get dragged out of the freaking truck and eaten alive.


Image: Image out of focus. Joce, leaning in, is saying something illegible to Addison, less stable.

“Anyway. I… appreciate the concern, but I’m fine, now, really. J… Ka—no, that’s not it, what did it start with…

“The person I was with, at one point, said the letter-writer is dead, or supposed to be, which I guess confirms yet another goddamn vampire, but when I heard that, I thought it meant you had a chance, you and everyone else.

“And, well. Look where we are now!

Image: Empty haze. Faintly, a rabbit in the distance.
Image: But the figure steps forward, biped, almost human.

“It doesn’t matter how many vampires there are or were now anyway, right? Because, listen, the second I recognized you, I was so damn happy I could cry.

Image: Addison’s face lights up. She calls out.

“I don’t care if that’s cheesy anymore. You didn’t lose your mind or turn into anything. I really thought you were dead.

Image: She stumbles forward, into the figure’s arms.

“And… look, I wanted to tell you about everything that you missed (did you know there are two vampires?!), but… I’m really tired. It’s been a long night.

Image: Addison, exhausted, smiles as she slumps onto the figure (whose face isn’t shown). Fading out.

“Let’s go home.”

Image: Wham.

Joce backed up, knocking a candle off its stand; the chandelier’s chain snapped; and down it falls, crushing.

Image: The fallen candle rolls.
Image: Then goes out.