Going inside is… inadvisable. Overhang shelter it is.

Firstly: Yes, Kay Lin is a vampire; but for the record, she’s not rabid. She was, she says, trying to get Sequitur to return to the group when they were attacked. Before then, she was just at the party to socialize, and tagged along to help.
Addison has doubts. “Why didn’t you tell us sooner?”

Image: Kay Lin, who’s been holding her hands up in surrender, looks at Addison.
Glances down at the sharp end of the stick.
Looks back up, shrugs. Y’know.

Gary’s turn for questions:
So is Kay Lin just, like, a regular human but immortal? Can she shapeshift? Does she know anything about those rabbit-monsters? How about the letter-writer? Also, garlic, yay or nay? And—

Regular human: more or less. Shapeshifting: no. Rabbits: hell if she knows. Letter-writer: a name she’s heard before, but she’s never seen its bearer. There are some parts of the castle she’s never managed to enter.
“Why not?” Gary asks. “What’s so wrong with going in, anyway?”
But Kay Lin just shakes her head. Same thing she said before—dangerous to mortals. No elaboration.

“So sick of these god-foresaken….”

Now where is he going?!
But Gary can’t stand around in the rain all night. He’s just gonna poke it a little through the gate! “Besides…”

“Those things killed our friends.”

He’s not just gonna poke it, is he.