
Author’s note:

The art changes abruptly here because my time management leaves much to be desired and this style’s faster. ok carry on

“You good?”

Image: Sequitur jumps. But it’s just Kay Lin.

“We’re dead. But, ehh.” Sequitur shrugs. “I’m good.”

Seems to amuse her. Might as well shoot the shit.

Image: Sequitur sits down on a log, staring out into the abyss. As prompted, Kay Lin joins them, and talks:

“You’re pretty chill for someone who thinks we’re gonna die.”

“Eh, worryin’s pointless.” Plus, Sequitur points out, not like Kay Lin seems fussed, either.

Image: Sequitur, questioning, points at her. Can't read her face.

“It’s been… fun.”

“That a joke?”

“Never been in a car crash before.”

Image: Sequitur’s amused.

Yeah, night’s just full of surprises, ain’t it? Could’a been vampires.

Kay Lin doesn’t respond. Sequitur is reminded that they haven’t seen her around much before tonight.

Must be new here!

Image: Cue Sequitur infodump. They gesture around Kay Lin without really paying attention to her.

Vampires, supposedly, live in the castle the group was (is?) headed towards; that was the goal, to see if it’s really abandoned. Not everyone believes the stories, but they’re a hell of a deal; there’s “vamp-hunters” around and everything.

Far as Sequitur’s concerned, mind, it’s all rumors. Then again, they would’ve said the same about the rabbits.

At least the vampires are human. Kind of.

Image: Sequitur trails off.
Kay Lin is quiet.
Image: Sequitur is mildly concerned.

Kay Lin seems distant.
“Better human than monster… right.”


Idly Sequitur wonders if anyone’s noticed either of them are gone. How long has it been, anyway…?

Image: They start to get up.
Image: Kay Lin grabs their arm.

Skin’s cold.

“Say, Sequitur…”

Image: Sequitur is sweating. Kay Lin stares at them closely. Since when did she have a fang...?

Aw, who’re they kidding. They’re dead meat out here.

“Could you… do me a favor?”

next â€