
design notes; click to show/hide transcript
- average
- much prefers the upgrade [currently not onsite, see full notes]
written description
Medium-height, light-skinned, short red hair, hazel-green eyes, average build. By default, wears a yellow-green tank top, white shrug, brown jeans, and white sneakers.- “front” side [of hair, based on direction facing] sticks up
- [face has a] slight curve, tapers to a point
- connected earlobe
- [shrug has a] small “collar,” [sleeve ends] below elbow
- [jeans are] close-fitting, tends to bunch up at the knee
- kind of generic, really doesn’t have a lot of note ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
- Third-shortest of the main 8 (by a wide margin; Kay Lin and Caleb are noticeably shorter)
- Average in pretty much every way
general demeanor
- Projects confidence, prone to acting like she owns the place (regardless of actual familiarity)
- Gesticulates frequently when talking, especially to point at subject(s) in focus
- Minimal filter; very, very bad at faking otherwise
other visual characteristics
- Really, there’s nothing; certainly doesn’t mind standing out a little, but doesn’t want to be the most glaring person in the room either
Associated with orange, usually bright.