Kay Lin
Two-word first name.

design notes; click to show/hide transcript
- young(-looking), thin, small
- would not dress like this voluntarily
written description
Short, midtone-skinned (but appears otherwise), straight black hair, often depicted with yellow eyes (though the noted “actual” color is dark brown), scrawny build. Default clothes, an oversize t-shirt and near-ankle-length skirt, are dark and rough around the edges. Also typically seen with faded wrap-bandages around the neck and limbs.- [hair in front is] weirdly consistent
- nose is stylized as a line—mostly flat
- brow optional if covered/unneeded for expression
- [eye stylization] may feature iris
- shirt is like twice her size
- hair around mid-back, shorter in front
- [bandage-]wraps are not consistent, but one goes up the neck
- [wraps] on hand trail off by elbow
- [wraps on foot are] similar, stops by knee
- exact [ragged fabric] edge doesn't matter; neck tends to dip on one side
- Second-shortest of the main 8
- Thin, lightweight; often mistaken for a child or adolescent
- Basically no sharp angles anywhere
general demeanor
- Doesn’t seem to take much seriously, including herself
- In conversation, typically upbeat; can be touchy (enjoys playful jabs and similar)
- Tends to cover mouth when laughing or entire face when upset; generally not hard to read
other visual characteristics
- Wears those bandage-wraps for a reason. They’d be worse if her pain tolerance wasn’t hot garbage.
- Could really use a haircut
Associated with purple, usually dull.