
This is fine. Doubles as a wishlist of sorts; I prioritize anything that costs gems and festival gear. The rest I will get for myself eventually maybe probably.

gene projects

See tab linked above. Specifics shift around more often than I update this website.

fest gear & vistas

Now on a combined spreadsheet. Missing the following fest gear…

…and most buyable vistas.

May be willing to trade duplicate skins and/or vistas for ones I don’t have. Otherwise I am a shameless hoarder and these will collect virtual dust in the vault forever.

other gem items

I am a cheapskate and will probably never buy these for myself.

breeding projects

* = have a pair

Searches should be sorted by highest ID first to weed out inactive and/or perma dragons. AH links indicate I haven’t updated in a while; might be intentionally putting these on hold while I search & breed for the rest.

italics = ideal but not necessary

scry search m/f eyes primary secondary tertiary
zero* mate - lightning abyss cerulean ice
burning* parents, exact-ish F fire rare fire sunset gloom
capitalist* brick/tarnish/x, 5-off, 3-off M earth glowing brick tarnish platinum
jock idek M nature or water umber driftwood auburn
bun idek, mayhaps? F? shadow-r, light-ds, earth-r? sanddollar honey white
dali range, mate M plague unusual swamp eldritch overcast


eldritch 7 3 0
eyes 0 2 0
zero 0 0 3
burning 2 5 7
capitalist 0 0 >10
  1. 2: eyes
  2. 3: zero
  3. 14: burning
  4. ≥10: eldritch, capitalist, sus

note on “burning”: skydancers are siblings; Alabaster×F-dancer range is worse than A×Syn, and Synchronicity×M-dancer has no tert range