prijateljstvo. (friendship.)

remember when I was like “there’s a weird amount of hrvatski in this one.” yeah I’ve learned a lot since and now they just casually use it 90% of the time ig. #character-development


Hero, driving, asks Sunny “Why does Basil call you [phrase in Croatian]?”. Thought box from Sunny: “You’re going to stop talking for a little while.”

moje malo miau miau

(molim ignoraj car Europi. hvala.)


my little meow meow

(please ignore the car of Europe. thank.)

Ripped shamelessly from someone else’s version. The note about the European car is because Hero is on the viewer’s left, same as the original meme, and that’s normally something I would’ve redrawn to “fix” but I didn’t notice until too late. Oh well!


Aubrey pays Basil a visit. Seems he’s been gardening a lot. Presenting a stack of plant tags to Aubrey, Basil cheerily suggests a role reversal, explains, and tags a sunflower to demonstrate. Beat, with Aubrey lookng back at all the flowers. She has a couple comments, but Basil pushes her right along.

Basil: Danas! Želim pokušavat nešto… uh, nov!
(Basil: Nešto novo?)[1]
(Aubrey: Da.)
(Basil: Hvala!)

Basil: A-hem— Reversal role-a~![2]
[tag, tape over picture:] Nemoj gledati!!!
Basil: Napisao sam dva imena cvijeća…
Basil: You match! Učiš!!~

Aubrey: Gdge naučio si ovi.
Basil: uhh Internet!
Aubrey: Koji kurac je “ptiće mlijeko”[3]
Basil: Sretno!!!


Basil: Today! I want to try something… uh, nov!
(Basil: Something new[ but correct]?)[1]
(Aubrey: Yeah.)
(Basil: Thanks!)

Basil: A-hem— Reversal of roles![2]
[tag, tape over picture:] Don’t look!!!
Basil: I wrote two names of flowers…
Basil: You match! You learn!!~

Aubrey: Where did you learn these.
Basil: uhh Internet!
Aubrey: What the fuck is “bird’s milk”[3]
Basil: Good luck!!!

[1] Fun with adjective gendering! It’s not always a 1:1 end-letter match, but it happens to line up here.

[2] Grammatical case thing. Tacking Croatian morphemes onto English words is not Technically Correct by any means, but it happens a lot behind the scenes so whatever. (Hence also, “ghosts pasta”.)

[3] Found this through a little Wikipedia journey: plant symbolism → boatload of tabs → checked which ones had a Croatian name in the language dropdown → grabbed the most nonsensical. Ornithogalum will be of no help here.

Later, Basil chills on the front steps. There’s a tag sticking out of various plant clusters, and Aubrey is very, very done. / Joining him on the stair, she says something that makes him panic slightly. Quick exchange, after which Aubrey takes a pen, writes on a leftover tag, and sticks it in Basil's hair. Thus he is labeled: “Bosiljak”.

(Puno) Kasnije.

Aubrey: Eto. Bože.

Basil: Imala li si zabavno~?
Aubrey: To… nije—[4] Imaš. Mnogo. Cvijeća.

Aubrey: Usput, uh— Zaboravio si jedan.
Basil: H-Huh? Kako—
Aubrey: Imaš li olovku?
Basil: Uh, da…


(Much) Later.

Aubrey: There. God.

Basil: Did you have fun~?
Aubrey: That… isn’t—[4] You have. A lot. Of flowers.

Aubrey: By the way, uh— You forgot one.
Basil: H-Huh? How—
Aubrey: You have a pen?
Basil: Uh, yes…

[4] The verb ima- = “to have” as in “to own;” thus the phrase “have fun” isn’t valid in Croatian.

Do I need to translate bosiljak? Ocimum.


Kids this time: Aubrey yells about some kind of milk to a very unamused Kel, who’s lactose intolerant. Basil just offers “Y-yeah— Da, what she said!” / As in the video, Aubrey gets excited and inadvertently punches Basil in the face. / Immediate Concern: “/Oh god sorry are you okay/”; Basil offers a dizzy thumbs up. (Far as Kel’s concerned, “This is why milk sucks…”)

Mini pingpong no problem:

  • Mlijeko borbe!!! = “Milk of fight!!!”, which is a little awkward in English but you can’t use a noun as a descriptor in Croatian.
  • Y-yeah— Da, [Yeah,] what she said!
  • Ajmooo—: Dragged-out ajmo, which you may have seen before.
  • D… Dobro… = “G… Good…”. Missing a bit for “I’m good” (Dobar sam) but we’re rewinding here so whatever.


Prijatelji Nemoj Dopustiti Prijateljima Uživati U Steak Mlijeka

“Oh!” Kel exclaims. “You could ask him out to eat!” Aubrey grumbles in Croatian, which Kel does not get. She asks, “Do you even like the same foods?” Basil, who the two are sitting across from, sputters, “W-Well, uh…”. Kel is labeled “world’s worst wingman”; Aubrey has a similar label. In reference to the video linked, the two are filling out a dating profile online for Basil.

Aubrey: Predosadno.

[Aubrey label:] najlošiji “wingman” na svijetu


Aubrey: Too boring.

[Aubrey label:] worst “wingman” in the world[1]

[1] An idiomatic alternative to English’s “world’s worst [descriptor].” Same meaning, slightly different phrasing.

Basil, cheerily: “Lately I’ve developed a taste for…” Some mumbling, “what’s the word…” And then, with renewed sparkle:

Basil: mlijeko steak-a~!


Basil: [attempt at saying] milk steak~!

Word order mixup. He should be saying “steak mlijeka”—or better yet, not combining those words at all.

Kel and Aubrey are silent. Befuddled. Disgusted. Appalled. The logo on Kel’s laptop reads “WTF”.
Kel: “I am writing ‘get tofu.’” Basil has a small protest, “H-Hey!”; Aubrey ignores him, replying, “Yeah, put tofu, he likes tof— wait, you understood that?” Kel: “I wish I didn’t.” Basil has a protest.

Basil: On ni ne sviđa se tofu!!![2]

[text on Kel’s computer:] KJI KRC


Basil: He doesn’t even like tofu!!!

[text on Kel’s computer, essentially:] WTF

[2] Should be Njemu se ni ne sviđa tofu!, but left uncorrected because, y’know, Basil.

In the “It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia” title font, “Basil Stops Consulting His Friends For Relationship Advice,” with a small footnote in pink. Aubrey: “Dude look I’m sorry but /what/. is /steak milk/.” Basil, sinking into the couch: “Fight milk. But steak. [in Croatian:] What’s not clicking.” Kel: “I’m clicking stuff—” Aubrey: “/You’re not helping, Kel./”

(Hvala Bože.)

Basil: Što nije clicking.


(Thank God.)

Basil: What’s not clicking.

The language of disgust is universal.

Bonus: some ideas that I never got around to doodling

1: “going /crazy/ in the brain for a second and my eyes were all like [keysmash] and I couldn’t think straight” “that shirt is /ruined/”. 2: “/You can’t just stab him with your shears!/”. 3: Kel, disgruntled: “We have your milk boiling /just/ the way you like it.” [Basil:] “Great, can I get it to go?” 4: also Sunny: Leaving.


Four-panel comic. Basil lies T-posing on the floor. “Strankinja” (Stranger but Croatian-Aubrey) says one singular word. Basil looks up, stunned, and asks (in a fancy font) “deadass?”

Basil: Oh Strankinja, samo osjećam stvarno loše

Stranger-Aubrey: Izgleda


Basil: Oh Stranger, I just feel very bad

Stranger-Aubrey: [verb referring to the act of seeing, looking; written with a G that stands out for no reason]

i don’t fuckign remember the context of this one.

Fancy “deadass?” is Weeb’s writing. That’s it. That’s all I got.