Jezik je (still) pojam!

Now with even more continuity. Imam odlično vrijeme.


A very bashful Basil asks Aubrey, “How would I say—‘Sunny, you’re my entire world! I love you so much!’ Aubrey stares at him, then answers. Basil recognizes a word, and not for the better; Aubrey bonks him on the head, muttering.”

Aubrey: ‘Sunny, oprosti da[1] sam napao tvoje oko. Nešto nije u redu sa mnom.’

Basil: Hval[a]— ‘oprosti’??
Aubrey: On ni ne zna hrvatski....


Aubrey: ‘Sunny, I’m sorry I attacked your eye. There’s something wrong with me.’[2]

Basil: Thank[s]— ‘I’m sorry’??
Aubrey: He doesn’t even know Croatian....

[1] “Da” usually means “yes,” but in this specific context it also means “that”: If it’s used in an independent clause (e.g. “Sorry that I attacked your eye”), then “da” as “that” checks out; unlike in English, the “da/that” isn’t dropped. Otherwise (“Sorry for attacking your eye”), no dice.

[2] This bit gave me issues; the original thought was “I have problems,” and after I ran around in a small circle trying to pinpoint a more specific word for “problems,” Weeb nudged me back to a 1:1 translation. (Alternatives: “I have issues,” “I am dysfunctional/mentally ill,” “I am unwell.” General sentiment of “I’m fucked up [but not phrased in an overly clinical or serious way].” “There’s something wrong with me” sounded a bit harsh in English but ¯\_( :V )_/¯, I do not have enough cultural context for a better phrasing!)

+”Tup” sound effect courtesy Wikipedia.


Wall of every scribble thus far, shoehorned into something resembling a chronology.

Since this is basically jezik pingpong, here’s the whole thing in one go:

  • Ya like lore? Uživaš li priča?” [attempted “Do you enjoy story?”]
    • “Lore,” being more of a Meme Word in this context, could’ve been used untranslated.
    • Uživati (“to enjoy”) is also a weird verb, so this is also wrong on a few other levels I don’t quite grok yet.
  • Početak. [Beginning.]
  • 1. Aubrey inexplicably hrvat [a Croat], učio [teaches] Basil (some) hrvatski [Croatian]…
    • Bit fluky for reasons I didn’t fully understand at the time; should be hrvatica (Croatian person, but female; distinction is necessary here, unlike English), učila je (she taught), wrong grammatical case….*
  • 2. others nisu znaju [don’t know] shit tho (otherwise canon as normal)
    • Also wrong, for Reasons.*
  • 3. Shit Happens.
  • Crni Prostor ft. Riječ… Zbu[n]jenog? [Black Space ft. Words of… Confusion?]
    • error conga line*: riječ should have an “-i” at the end to indicate a plural (riječi). wrote “confusing,” not “confusion,” and there’s a missing letter. also wrong ending in general, for yet-unknown grammar reasons
  • Basil nije finish učio [doesn’t finish learning] i je [and is] haunted by, uh. Strankinja?? [Stranger, fem]
    • Croatian riječi for “teach” and “learn” are the same.
    • I think “strankinja” is closer to “foreigner” than “stranger” but, far as I could find, the hrvatski riječ makes no distinction.
  • 4. Game Happens (but sa hrvatski [with Croatian])
  • these su [are] OOC jokes but zašto ne [why not] count them ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  • >implying whole shebang nije [isn’t] inherently OOC
    • As in, any of the kids speaking a different language seems like the kind of thing that would’ve come up if canon, especially because there’s at least one Designated Foreign NPC. I fucking love the idea, though.
  • 5. nakon [after] Gaem, “bonding.” ili nešto [or something]
  • Nastavljati [To continue]…?
    • “To be continued” should be Nastavit će se (hvala Weeb!)*

*This whole saga (of Škrabotine (Scribbles) in general, not just this one) is a time capsule of what I did/n’t know at the time tbh. Like, as of writing (May 1) I can independently spot some issues in the older doodles—što li [behind door], unnecessary/redundant pronouns, case and tense shenanigans.... Also, although I’m not keeping track, a majority of these Škrabotine have been edited between initial drawing and the upload that goes live.

I don’t really have A Formal Procedure for this! If it’s something I messed up despite knowledge I had at the time, I’ll probably change it, or at least make a note of it for publication here later. (With this lore-wall specifically, I’ve just learned A Lot over the past >couple weeks!) But retroactively, I’m probably not gonna touch either art or writing, because that way a neverending ouroboros of self-correction lies.


In “Black Space” again, Basil kneels over a mound of, uh, something round and stringy, with a fork sticking out. Captioned, among other text, “Ghosts(a) Past(a) LOL”

wow, dead spaghett Crni Prostora room Room Crnog Prostora…

Jest neživ.


wow, dead spaghett Black Space Room Room of Black Space…

It is not animated.

“Animated,” in the context of Croatian grammatical case, is roughly equivalent to “alive.” It also applies to dead people and ghosts.

+ music suggested ambiance.
“ghosts pasta????” inside joke. Ghosts of Past. don’t worry about it


Basil throws some words at Aubrey. One in particular certainly gets her attention.
  • komplicirano.
  • question, ne ekvivalenta.
  • pants, ženski i množina.


  • complicated.
  • question [indicator], no equivalent [word in English].
  • pants, [word is] feminine and plural.

[If You Know You Know.]

I have learned some of the Crni Prostor riječi. I handwrote each and every one, in that Škrabotina, no less than six times.


A follow-up, brought to you by: the belated realization that Croatian has different words for playing different things, and characters’ reactions being very much not synonymous with mine.

There is an unusual amount of hrvatski in this one because I was partway through the second line’s translation, realized it was Basil talking and could thus be more English, but didn’t want to not use what I had (even though it ended up being mostly off). It’s Characterization, ili nešto.

Aubrey knocks on Basil’s door to apologize. Basil’s not having it.

Aubrey: Hej, Basil— žao mi je da sam ti rekla netočnu riječ za sviranje glazbenog instrumenta. Basil: Također—


Aubrey: Hey, Basil— I’m sorry I told you the wrong word for playing a musical instrument.
Basil: Also—

While yelling about Sunny, Basil scribbles furiously over a language notebook. One word from the anime power-up sentence is wrong; over a perfectly nice caption about how impessed Sunny would be, Basil writes, “Why is Aubrey (still) so mean to me?!”

Basil: —pokušala si prevariti me u vrijeđam sebe—
(Aubrey: Što? …‘se osramoti[m]’—?)
Basil: prede! Sunnyem!!!!!


Basil: —you tried to trick me into insulting myself—
(Aubrey: What? …‘you embarrass yoursel[f]’—?)[see below]
Basil: in front! of Sunny!!!!!

Basil’s line here has been left deliberately wonky. One bit was on purpose: sebe, “myself,” can be shortened as se, which sounds more natural most of the time. The rest was less intended: “to trick into” is not a term in Croatian; likewise, “insult” isn’t used in this context, and the phrase would be better translated as “embarrass myself.”


Aubrey is annoyed, but apologizes again anyway.

Aubrey: Ponavljam: Ne razumije jezi[k]—
Basil: Znam....

Aubrey: Također, žao mi je da sam rekla da nešto nije u redu s tobom.


Aubrey: I repeat: [He] doesn’t understand [the] lang[uage]—
Basil: I know....

Aubrey: And, I’m sorry I said there’s something wrong with you.

“Sigh” as onomatopoeia is also not really a thing in Croatian, so I just used the English version.

Basil opens the door, still miffed. He says one entire word:

[vrata]: (otvara)

Basil: Hvala.


[door]: (open)

Basil: Thanks.

“Now,” Basil says. “/Actually/ tell me how to say, and— [he echoes what Aubrey said earlier].” Aubrey is mildly exasparated; he’s holding a paper with a heart on it….

Basil: …i ponavljam…
Aubrey: Isuse. Zašto…


Basil: …and I repeat…
Aubrey: Jesus. Why…

He’ll have his moment someday. Maybe.


Basil, in bed after nearly drowning, talks to Sunny in Croatian. Kel whispers: “Psst. Why is Basil speaking Russian?”, which earns him a flat “/Kel./” from Hero.

Basil: Sunny… sad smo stvarno u ovome…


Basil: Sunny… we’re really in it now…

provided by Weeb entirely unprompted. had to draw it.

Older doodle of a sick-looking Basil in bed. In this one he says “aw shit sunny we’re really in it now” (and Kel, still, is clueless).

some things never change.


Sunny just went through hell [the end of the Truth-revealing sequence]. He holds a polaroid. Written on the back is the following, signed by Basil (with a heart):

Nije ruski!!!!


It’s not Russian!!!!

And thus the lore expands.