
Bottlenecks are a concept.

August 20, 2023

bottleneck (noun.): what happens when a procrastination-prone coder is like “this can go public once I finish XYZ.” and then,, takes 500 years,,, to do XYZ

welcome to the uncorkening, motherfuckers

Not gonna lie, there’s a part of me that thinks [making an entire fansite for a game I just played at the time of writing] is a little excessive/hasty; I mean, I’ve had other All-Consuming Hyperfixations and they haven’t gotten their own websites, and I’m barely over a full 30 days into this one. Who’s to say the interest won’t drop off, like, as soon as I finish reviewing the playthrough if not before then? I severely doubt that, but it’s a possibility! What if what if what if [insert more anxiety brain scrargling here] (“scrargling” is not a word but it is the closest approximation to the sound I’m imagining)

[narrator voice] It Has Been Over Half a Year and The Writer Is Still Into Omori.

uhh suffice it to say the site of mine that’s been getting updated lately is that one, and nigh-exclusively that one. Also as of July I have tentatively started using Dreamwidth again, so that’s been cool and scratches the semi-regular update itch. (it does render my blog here a bit redundant, tho.) Also also deviantArt gets worse and worse every time I check it which, combined with most of my art since January having been fanart (meaning I can upload it straight to the site, elsewhere be damned), has made me, uhh, less than enthusiastic about keeping dA up-to-date.

idek what I’m doing online anymore let’s put it that way.

but Today:

Site’s been long overdue for some updates for a while now; I’ve had a bunch of changes sitting in my local GitHub commits, so today I figured I’d actually start cleaning them up.

  • In my drafts sits an absolute behemoth of a March-to-July-ish linkdump, which mostly turned into songspam. Might as well publish that at some point, but I’ve entertained the idea of turning it into like, a yearbook-esque “song most likely to get stuck in my head” “song most likely to make you go ‘WTF am I listening to’” “song most likely to […]” sort of thing. That requires Effort™, though, so we’ll see if it happens…?
  • After getting roadblocked at redoing the index from scratch, I ultimately decided to keep it very similar to last version, just with a font update and no links. But since the space between the header and footer looked empty with just the “internet hub” line, I slapped in a “status update” of sorts; currently it’s the following, and we’ll see if it sticks but for now it remains very, very true:

2023/08/20: deep in Omori hell for 8 months and counting but at least the main site finally got an update…!!

If nothing else, maybe having a small ephemeral thing on the homepage will make me more likely to keep it up-to-date, instead of feeling like I gotta overhaul the whole thing every time…?

  • The about is now significantly less TL;DR than before, which idk how to feel about yet but I like that the design matches the homepage now. Considered putting the text on the left to make it look like a flipped business card (that’s what the original design is based on) but thought it was kinda disorienting, plus I coded it weird so the scrollbar would be in the wrong place unless I redid it from scratch >:V

I am extremely on the fence about whether to (re-)incorporate the scribble background on pages like this…. I coded it out for a reason on those interim blog posts, because even if it’s Peak Minimalism Hell, I do like the cleaner look, dangit. But I don’t not miss the splash of color…. 🤔

Eh, something to futz over later. That and the projects page. And the shriblets, I miiight turn that into a repo and also figure out a way to link random pages I’ve accumulated in not-main-site folders for code testing, bcause they do exist and are kinda just buried wherever and I Must Document Everything. And the “miscellaneous things I want to do at some point” from January still moooostly stands, and so basically, *explodes*

—actually fuck it new to-do list while I’m here: