A sketchbook. (back to art index)
monthly roundup: 2023 January

Giant wall of sketchdoodles. Original file is twice the size shown above; click for fullsize (opens in new window/tab).

+handwriting transcript (click to toggle)

  • title: Omori monthly roundup — January 2023 (here there be spoilers!)
  • You can tell more or less how far along I am/was by some of these…highly recommend going in unspoiled so this is your last warning [long thin smiley face with sweatdrop]
  • first Omori doodle: Mii-ass eyes. from memory…
  • minicomic: “Oh no! We have to find Basil!” → No rush tho. (idr [Hero’s] hair…)
    • there is an upside-down smiley face pointing at this
  • minicomic: ah! now I understand phone anxiety. [first panel, repeated in the background:] no voicemail no voicemail no voicemail no voicemail[…]; [second panel] omg bnnuy, [Leafie says] “commit murder.”
  • first row margins:
    • pencil-textured scribbles: don’t mind me messing [with] the brush whlie I’m here
    • King Crawler: fucked up and evil <3
    • bunnies: why have rabbits been a minor Thing with me for like. since 2020-ish….

  • Spaceboy minicomic:
    • [kids are] enacting violence. “Rraaaghh I’m gonna kill you kids”
    • “Would anyone like some cookies?” ([Hero is] helping). Spaceboy gets a bonk, Omori noms on his arm
  • Mari: so glad my brother and his friends are having fun~ ♪; [the kids are] clobbering random kid with a kite for absolutely no reason. [Hero:] he is Slow.
  • margin note: love the way this game makes me experience the entire gamut of human emotion. Discord screenshot: “Aubrey has pink hair and a baseball bat?? I don’t know if I trust her but I’m looking forward to that upgrade”; captioned Me. A fool. Went from “haha cool vibe” to [with distress] Learning.

  • Kel, finger tap meme: don’t have to be upset if you refuse to let yourself process Literally Anything Upsetting!!!
  • Basil dinner minicomic: [Basil is] obviously distressed. Kel: “…”, then grabs food like a heathen: “Well I’m sure he’ll be fine”; Sunny, thinking: Do we know the same Basil?!!!! Oh my god. Oh boy he’s probably going to (Kel: “haha silly ol Basil eh Sunny”) AAAAA[…] “sunny?”
  • Sunny in the mirror: man i really hope i don’t get jumpscared by a hallucinatory specter of my dead sister that would be kind of oh ok it’s right behind me. cool cool alright alright alright alright alri; Something: Hiiiiii bro
  • between that and the next doodle: the imagery in this game is So Fucking Good and there is So Much i wanna draw….
  • train: Here is not home.

  • context for this [next one]: finished a battle with everyone sad except Hero who was toast. friend dubbed it “a procession for a piece of toast”
    • Here lies Toast. He was our hero.
  • equippable child.
  • style study-thing, ft. some of my own characters beccause it fit better in a 2x2 layout
    • [my] ~usual style (ft. no one in particular, [and I prefer] 3/r4ths or side views]:
      • defined feature shapes
      • hair & mouth often cartoonish
      • eyes used to have pupils & closed shape, but increasingly vary
    • Omori sprites
      • very anime but simpler
      • the Mii eye thing
      • big-ish/round ears?
      • dot nose
      • small mouth
      • hair in larger sections
    • nose bridge + placement affect a lot
    • I refuse to compromise on unique features/Not Sameface but can do some proportional tweaks, rounding, minor details… +also eyes. +and the black flil-scribbles.
    • no side ref but I see this “snout” in simpler anime sometimes; nose bridge B gone. i also Refuse to flatten it entirely but can def. simplify
    • 3/4ths is a free-for-all ig; not much depth
    • *should also be noted the circular proportions look younger regardless of style
    • no particular characters, just style-testin
    • light shading
    • Oh I forgot about the blush-thing, tho not all have that
    • Oh the neck area!! black that out (a little)? (or skip like the eye line…)
    • strokes generally follow direction of thing, not too “hidden”
    • [on various OCs:]
      • bad angle choice but she can’t Not have the nose
      • Curls… The Anime Weakness (cowards)
      • color goes thru eye—no sclera (might ignore this too)
      • is this [young-looking guy] Not just canon.
      • ok Some point allowed. mostly for hair
      • Omori doesn’t do the eyes-thru-hair thing but I elect to ignore that for clarity
      • [different fellow] young….
  • doodle cluster on one canvas:
    • Aubrey headshot: didn’t play today but Have to draw my girl at least once… weh
    • eggplant: aubergine….
    • Headspace!Aubrey: “Drama! Passion! Heartbreak!!!
    • Omori: Omori/Sunny (identical)
    • Kel: —ok idk shapes just goin from memory
    • Hero: (uhh. Hair…) uh. sorry Hero….
    • don’t they all have like these Exact bangs… why
    • Kel again: ok this looks too old but ayyy, these eyes [I’d been wanting to use the shape somewhere] + slight chin? for Contast
    • Hero + Kel body shapes: [Hero] pudge, [Kel] athletic
  • margin callout (1 of 2): P.S. apparently a character’s way to my heart is like. [middle of a Venn diagram:] A – anger issues; B – guilt issues; C – kind of an asshole [and for all three:] guess who checks these off :^)
  • mini Aubreys:
    • day #346237829…+ of not understanding chibis….
    • GameBoy.
    • tfw they’re 90s kids… (?? considering Tamagotchi + no phones even at ~16…)
    • goomba…
  • margin corner: there are lots of weird cutoffs here because early art, as usual, often looks wonky….

  • meme: “It’s okay to ask for help” (Aubrey); “You’re not a burden” (Hero); “murder is okay.” (Omori); “Your feelings matter” (Kel)
    • margin note: I don’t think any of these particularly fit but mostly juts wanted to do Omori with ✨Murder is okay✨
  • some cropped boys: (Hero) “sir ur hair…. (pointy??); Kel: “heh….”; Sunny: “…”
  • margin callout (2 of 2): Funny enough Kel hits None Of These but he’s like. second favorite…. [pointing at a doodle of older-him and -Aubrey] obsessed with their horseshoe dynamics
    • angry Headspace kids margin doodle: they also do like 90% of Headspace battles. iconic
  • “that’s behind me now”—person whose every waking neurosis is shaped by being Extremely Not Over It At All In The Slightest #solidarityHandshake
    • Kel note: “I will simply not even Try to process it”
    • Aubrey note: “I have ‘processed’ it to dust and it makes me want to explode”

  • Omori headshot (style note 1 of 2): copying str8 from official art / whatever the hell this style blend is doing (no sketch lines bc they were messy as hell)
  • Basil amnesty canvas:
    • “aw shit sunny we’re really in it now” (Kel: clueless)
    • What Is Your Deal. [hair:] What. [sprout mole leaves:] indicates rabies [eye shape:] this is just fuckign Caleb. [simplified side view:] animal
    • tiny margin note: idfk what shapes to give anyone anymore…
    • grabbing book: What Are You Hiding.
    • flower crown “uwu”: i have No fuckin clue if he’s Actually like this or if it’s the Tumblr Softboy Flower Crown Edit vibe talking
  • meme: Hero stonks
  • style note margin: style is still A Struggle but have determined Omori Specifically shouldn’t look too 3D/detailed… He Is A Child Scribbl

  • hyperfixation* crossover go brr… (*not so much ƎNA atm but that trailer slaps) might actually animate this or at least draw a bigger version someday….
  • crossover doodle:
    • Omori/Sunny: ? + ?
    • Aubrey: ecstatic + angry
    • Kel: happy/default + smad (sad and/or mad)
    • Hero: depressed + calm
    • ƎNA headshot: been a while
    • Win98 UI + Omori character/bg? use that one hill [for the bg]
    • human!ƎNA notes: leg brace? sock? [arm brace] w/refs, [animation] 3 frames, as if passing ball
    • human!ƎNA dialogue: “My, my—there’s been a scramble at the neighbors’ vendue!”
    • Strange girl. Has an odd way of talking, moving, and… being. Not from around here.
  • Omori scribbles (style note 2 of 2): Omori but he looks like how I used to draw people, more or less. I did not do front views. or bodies, really.
    • headshot: ehh still too much?
    • how I draw people quickly nowadays ig?? ignore the (lack of) neck.
    • arms & fingers optional too
    • And Thus.
    • essence d’Omori
    • > draws him like this next to fully-rendered Headspace friends
  • margin between that and the next: LOL.
  • Headspace fullbodies (official art redraw 1 of 2):
    • Omori: keep him simple.
    • idk how child proportions work….
    • Hero: it’s My drawing and i get to make the hair-spikes consistent
    • forgot how 2 foot
    • pose parallels? [Aubrey & Basil have arms crossed, Kel and Hero have one hand raised]
    • Mari: arm got squished oops. look who actually gets shoes….

  • minicomic: Sunny, what do you have? (bat. ball. uhh) A knife
    • Aubrey: “Hey what the hell”
    • Kel: “No.” (Kel used confiscate)
  • Faraway fullbodies (official art redraw 2 of 2):
    • Sunny: messy hair cuz wynaut(?), bony….
    • more pose tweak fuckery…. just for fun
    • Aubrey: these shoes are very 90s….
    • can she [Aubrey] have a Little muscle… from the bike… (Kel has more tho)
    • Hero: idk body type… he works out but is he still slow/soft. idk
    • Basil: also thin but not as much as Sunny
  • Sunny margin doodle: I feel like Sunny should be more of a mess… bro hasn’t showered in like 4 years :,^)
  • this was another mini-comic but the last panel is funnier on its own… (this fuckign scene i s2g.)
    • Sunny’s two options: actually wait, or (selected) enter right now immediately (Kel: Oh. OK.)

  • White Space scribs: s. sitting there. & Damn S / dam boy you live like this
  • friend-silhouettes in border void: This revelation makes me so fucking upset you have no idea. why, dude.
  • sprite redraws, kinda:
    • damn girl this smile fake/performative as Heck … !!! Im sad.
    • “Well, we got through as friends…!”
  • about a photo of a giant real-life sketch page: look what got me digging up charcoal n shit from college figure drawing classes. [behold.] i am Very rusty but the texture & way it tends to fall down the page just Fits imo….
  • also made myself some brushes :3c (yes this is a space fill.)

  • Anyway
  • I have just reached the endgame (pre-Black Space backtracking), no spoilers plx & thank
  • for the love of god please help m play omori.
  • ok done now thanks for browsing, cya~

monthly roundup: 2023 January

 – 2023-02-03

Artist Commentary

Since 2021 I’ve been ending every month with these big “roundup” files, which put together sketches and other doodles I didn’t feel like uploading separately. This one was made entirely before I finished the game, and as you can see it didn’t take long for the obsession to set in :D

From the deviantArt description:

I put this together yesterday but then didn’t get around to posting it because I wanted to keep playing 🤪 Starting to understand why the ending gives people depression! and I’m not even fully there yet!!!!!!

So so so glad I bought this for myself as a birthday gift, it has taken over my entire thoughts and life and everything and I regret absolutely nothing. Shout-out also to the friend mentioned here, who first recommended the game to me last year & who’s accompanied nearly my entire playthrough! We have put together walls of meta and at some point I think I’d like to review & compile it all >:3c But that’s getting ahead of myself. So close, though….

Not much to link here since it’s mostly referencing the actual game, but still:

0/10 worst game actually, turns you into a shut-in obsessed with a fantasy world and thus defeats its own entire message smh. See y’all later, if you need me I’ll be clawing out of the void ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ

Bonus: the “funeral procession” screenshot Battle screen in which the whole party is sad except for Hero, who is toast.

* Broken link removed because Twitter sucks. Source tweet on the actual bird site, Nitter version that may or may not work, and the archived images (the only tweet text is “✨☁️”): Headspace + Faraway